Chapter 1822 Really Crazy
When Yanran heard these words from Zimeng, she didn't care, and even didn't look at Zimeng at all, but kept staring at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo frowned, he knew that Yanran wanted to talk to him, so, ignoring the soldiers who were staring at him, Di Yuanmo stepped forward to look at Yanran.

"Yuan..." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, reassuring Zi Meng. After Zi Meng nodded slightly, Di Yuanmo looked up at Yan Ran, but said nothing.

"Actually, my purpose and conditions are very simple." Yan Ran looked at Di Yuanmo and spoke, but Di Yuanmo still just looked at her without saying anything.

"Since there are conditions, let's talk about it. We said it earlier, and we will solve it sooner." Zi Meng looked at Yan Ran and said coldly, but Yan Ran still ignored Zi Meng.

Now, in Yan Ran's eyes and heart, Di Yuanmo is the only one, Zi Meng's existence is just her stumbling block, so she naturally forgets and ignores her stumbling block!

"Say!" Seeing that she was ignoring Zimeng, Di Yuanmo could only speak by himself, but he only said one word.

"I want you to divorce this woman!" Yanran said, looking at Zimeng contemptuously, Zimeng blinked, and asked Di Yuanmo to divorce her?Did you make a mistake?
Zimeng really doubts whether Yanran is mentally ill now!

How could Di Yuanmo divorce her?
"What did you say?" Di Yuanmo looked at Yanran with a chill all over his body, but Yanran was not afraid at all, and looked at Di Yuanmo with a decent smile on his face.

"I want you to divorce her, and then marry me, otherwise, I will kill her!" Yan Ran said, the knife in her hand moved a little from Luo Qianqian's neck.

When Di Yuanmo heard this, he didn't speak, but looked at Yanran coldly, his whole body was emitting a cold air.

And those who originally wanted to watch the excitement, after hearing this, looked at Yanran with incredible eyes.

Even Luo Qianqian looked at Yanran in shock, she really didn't expect that Yanran would say such a thing!
"Yanran, are you crazy?" Luo Qianqian looked at Yanran and asked!
"Shut up!" Yan Ran lowered her head, looked at Luo Qianqian coldly, Luo Qianqian couldn't help shaking her head when she saw Yan Ran's gaze.

Really crazy!

Yan Ran is really crazy!

It is absolutely impossible for Di Yuanmo to rest Zi Meng, let alone that it is absolutely impossible, it is very possible that Di Yuanmo will kill Yan Ran directly!
"You mean to let Yuan divorce me and then marry you. Although this is a very good idea, there is one thing that you may not know yet!"

Zimeng looked at Yanran regretfully, Yanran didn't speak, but looked at Zimeng very calmly, waiting for Zimeng to continue speaking.

"Even if Yuan agrees, I agree, and our two children may not agree. Although the two of them are very young, they probably don't want a stepmother, so..."

Zimeng looked at Yanran and shrugged, Yanran didn't care what Zimeng said at all.

"So what? They don't agree, I don't care. Anyway, in the future, we will have our own children. You don't have to worry about this at all. As long as you get out of the way obediently, otherwise, I will Killing Luo Qianqian, I think, you wouldn't watch her die in front of you, would you?"

Yan Ran raised Luo Qianqian's chin with the knife in her hand, and looked at Zi Meng confidently. She believed that Zi Meng would not watch Luo Qianqian die!

(End of this chapter)

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