Chapter 1826

They didn't care about it, that's fine, these soldiers are still stopping them, although they are in the name of arresting Qianqian, but Zimeng absolutely doesn't believe it will be so simple!
Those soldiers looked at Yanran uncomfortably when they heard Zimeng's words, but how could Yanran care so much now?
"Stop talking nonsense. Since you don't want to make a decision, then I'll help you." At this moment, Yanran didn't want to continue pretending. She looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo coldly, holding the knife in her hand. Slowly approaching Luo Qianqian's neck.

A drop of blood slipped from the blade and dripped on the ground. Luo Qianqian looked at Yan Ran with a ferocious face indifferently.

Things have come to this point, Luo Qianqian is not afraid of death at all, now, she just regrets, regrets that she can't recognize people, she has always regarded Yanran as her best friend, unexpectedly, she has such a result.

"Yan Ran, from now on, there will be no more affection between the two of us. Since I have fallen into your hands, what do you want, so do so? I am not afraid of death!"

Luo Qianqian looked at Luo Qing, opened her mouth lightly, Yan Ran looked down at Luo Qianqian, and then averted her gaze, now, she really didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Qianqian.

Seeing Luo Qianqian, she thought of those sarcastic words to her, how could she still want to talk to Luo Qianqian?

Yan Ran ignored Luo Qianqian, seeing that neither Di Yuanmo nor Zi Meng was going to answer her question directly, she was impatient, so she directly raised her hand, ready to attack Luo Qianqian.

Luo Qianqian slowly closed her eyes, waiting for the moment of death.

However, after waiting for a long time, Luo Qianqian did not feel the blade cut her throat. She opened her eyes to look at Yanran, and found that vines appeared at some time, controlling her hands and feet.

Yanran struggled for a while, but did not break free, a shadow suddenly appeared, and when Yanran looked over, Zimeng was already standing in front of her, raising her hand to grab her throat.

"Your reaction is really too slow. If it wasn't for quietly getting these vines into place, do you think I would have wasted so much talking nonsense with you?"

Zimeng pinched Yanran's throat, looked at her coldly, Yanran stared at Zimeng with wide eyes, she didn't know when Zimeng set up these vines, and she didn't know when Zimeng moved to her in front of.

This speed is really too fast!
"You..." Yanran looked at Zimeng, and wanted to speak, but Zimeng's hand on her throat was so tight that she couldn't say anything, so she could only stare at Zimeng with wide eyes.

"Sorry, I don't want to hear your voice right now, I don't care what you did to Luo Qianqian, and I don't care what benefits you gave those idiot soldiers, let them work hard for you.

However, you tried to intervene in my life with Yuan again and again, and even, not long ago, asked Yuan to divorce me and marry you, which made me very angry, really really angry!

Although, I believe that it is absolutely impossible for Yuan to divorce me, but I am still in a bad mood. Tell me, how should I deal with you now?Did it kill you or cripple you? "

Zi Meng looked at Yan Ran's widened eyes, and spoke leisurely. Both Luo Qianqian and Luo Qing looked at Zi Meng in shock, they didn't know when Zi Meng came to Yan Ran's side.

(End of this chapter)

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