Chapter 1827 Stupid can

They all thought that Zimeng was trying to appease Di Yuanmo, but Zimeng was in front of Yanran in just an instant!

Yanran was speechless when Zimeng pinched her throat. The murderous look in Zimeng's eyes made Yanran feel that Zimeng really wanted to kill this time.

Therefore, she kept struggling, her expression extremely painful.

However, Zimeng's vines tightly controlled her hands and feet, making it impossible for her to break free!

"You have to be clear, when you want to kill Luo Qianqian, it's already your time of death. The reason why you are still alive is because I want to see what you want to ask, but now, I don't care anymore. Interested!"

As Zimeng said, the vines binding Yanran gradually loosened. Before Yanran could react, Zimeng waved her hand and threw her out!

As for Di Yuanmo, looking at Yanran who fell hard to the ground, he waved his hand, and with one blow, Yanran spit blood from her mouth and lay on the ground unable to move.

After Zimeng looked at Yanran, she took another look at Luo Qianqian, then, with her back turned to Luo Qianqian, she looked coldly at the soldiers who surrounded her.

"It seems that you are still unwilling to give up now?" Zimeng said lightly.

"Luo Qianqian is an important criminal, so we will never allow you to take her away!" The soldiers surrounded the execution platform and looked at Zimeng and Luo Qianqian.

Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng's back, and lowered her head in shame. It was because she didn't listen to Zimeng's words, that's why these troubles happened now.

However, Zimeng didn't blame her, and still helped her like this!

"To commit a crime? What crime did she commit? She just became friends with the person who was brought here. Is this a crime? I really don't know whether your regulations here are good or bad! It's simply unreasonable! "

Zimeng looked at them and spoke disdainfully. They didn't refute Zimeng's words, because Luo Qianqian was imprisoned for this reason!

Although, they also felt that it was very unreasonable, but they were just little soldiers, and they had no strength to resist the person who gave the order!

Therefore, they can only stay here obediently!

"What? Could it be that, at this time, are you still working so hard? It seems that in your eyes, keeping Luo Qianqian behind is more important than your life?"

Zimeng looked at the group of soldiers who were hesitant but still not ready to move away, and couldn't help but find it funny. After they looked at each other, they all looked at Zimeng and were not ready to move away.

Zimeng suddenly laughed, these people are really stupid, right?Even more stupid than Luo Qianqian!
Luo Qianqian is stupid to believe what Yanran said, they are stupid to die, and they have to obey orders, Zi Meng doesn't know whether to praise them or hurt them!
"It seems that you are going to fight us to the end, aren't you?" Zi Meng moved her body, watching Zi Meng's movements, all the soldiers became vigilant one by one, thinking that Zi Meng was about to make a move.

Looking at their appearance, Zi Meng gently lowered her raised arm and blinked her eyes.

She just moved around so as not to get cramps in a while. What are these people doing so nervous?She hasn't really done it yet, okay?

"What are you doing? I'm just moving my stiff body. Do you want to be so nervous? Oh, I understand. It turns out that you are all afraid of death, too?"

Zimeng looked at them with a half-smile, which made them feel awkward! !

(End of this chapter)

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