Chapter 1831 Tired and take a break
Zi Meng didn't look at Luo Qianqian, but looked directly at Luo Qing and opened her mouth. Luo Qing sighed and turned to look at Luo Qianqian. Now, she is also worried about this matter!

"Master, Zimeng, don't worry, I won't be soft-hearted anymore!" Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng and Luoqing helplessly. They are relieved, who knows, in the end, will they really be relieved?
Zimeng lowered her head, looking at Yanran who was beaten miserably by Di Yuanmo, she did not know when, she had woken up, lying on the ground, crawling outside little by little, as if she wanted to escape from the right and wrong place.

Seeing her slow speed, Zi Meng didn't care, but just watched her crawl like that, Luo Qianqian saw that Zi Meng didn't speak, and followed Zi Meng's line of sight.

Seeing Yanran's appearance, Luo Qianqian really couldn't bear it, but instead of going forward, she turned around without looking at her.

This is the so-called out of sight, out of mind!
Zimeng turned her head to look at Luo Qianqian, then at Yanran, and waved her hand, two vines suddenly sprang out, binding Yanran tightly, making it impossible for her to escape.

Maybe it's because Yanran was beaten by Di Yuanmo and couldn't move, Yanran struggled a few times in Zimeng's vines and then became silent!

And those soldiers were no match for the angry Di Yuanmo at all, so in the blink of an eye, many fell down.

Kaiwei, who was hiding in the dark watching the excitement, couldn't care less about drinking tea at this time, but looked at Di Yuanmo in shock. Di Yuanmo's fighting power had been refreshed in his heart countless times!
Seeing Di Yuanmo like this, Kaiwei had some doubts whether he was the opponent of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

If it is against one of them, it shouldn't be a big problem, but if it is against both of them at the same time, I am afraid that he is not an opponent, right?

Thinking about it now, Kaiwei couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't take Zimeng away directly, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to face the angry Emperor Yuanmo directly!
"Maybe let him stop?" Luo Qing looked at Di Yuanmo's untiring look, then turned to look at Zi Meng and said.

"When he has played enough, I will stop. Now, let him vent for a while, otherwise, I will feel bad!" Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Luo Qing helplessly. Luo Qing sighed .

Although, she knew why Di Yuanmo was so angry, but if she continued to fight, she might alarm those people in the dark. If they came out, Zimeng and the others would be really in danger!

"Yan Ran has already caught him, let him stop first, we have to leave here immediately." Luo Qing thought for a while, then spoke to Zi Meng again, Zi Meng looked at Luo Qing, then at Di Yuanmo.

Presumably, after fighting for such a long time, Di Yuanmo's anger should have almost extinguished, right?

"Yuan, are you tired? Do you want to rest for a while?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and yelled loudly. Still didn't stop.

Although beating someone is very tiring, it can also make him feel much better!

However, he has been playing for so long, Zi Meng must also feel bored, so Di Yuanmo is going to stop.

However, before he stopped, he had to deal with all the people who were constantly surrounding him!Otherwise, it would be too troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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