Chapter 1832 Black face is not good-looking

"Yuan, you don't need to kill them all at once, there are still many opportunities in the future, take a rest, I'm tired, I will feel bad!"

When Zi Meng spoke again, Di Yuanmo's movements slowed down a lot. Seeing this, the soldiers immediately took the opportunity to run away.

With so many people going up together, they are not Di Yuanmo's opponents. What's more, so many people have already fallen, and the rest are not Di Yuanmo's opponents.

Therefore, before they all died, they still decided that saving their lives was important, so seeing them leave quickly, Zimeng and the others did not stop them.

"Yuan, you've worked hard!" Watching Di Yuanmo stop, Zi Meng walked over and wiped the sweat off Di Yuanmo's face. Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, his expression relaxed a lot.

"Let's go?" Luo Qing supported the injured Luo Qianqian, looked at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, the two nodded, and Zi Meng controlled the vine to let go of Yan Ran.

Luo Qing stepped forward, lifted Yan Ran's collar, supported Luo Qianqian with one hand, and left the execution platform with Zi Meng and the others.

Those who were hiding in the dark to watch the commotion, looked at the fallen soldiers around the execution platform, swallowed their saliva one by one.

Fortunately, none of them showed up just now, otherwise, they must have been affected.

"Who were those people just now?"

"I don't know, I only know Senior Luoqing, and her apprentice Luo Qianqian."

"The other two, according to what they said, they should be husband and wife, right? That's amazing!"

"Yeah, it's really amazing, but they shouldn't be from our place, right? Why haven't you seen them?"

After Zimeng and the others left, there were voices of discussion all around. After Kaiwei drank the tea in his hand, he looked at the execution platform with a wicked smile on his lips.

From the looks of it, it's not a loss to watch the excitement this time, it's getting more and more interesting!

Back at the place where she lived, Zi Meng tied up Yanran again, and then sat in front of Di Yuanmo with a smile and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, are you still angry?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and spoke softly, and Di Yuanmo looked at her, but didn't speak.

"Okay, okay, I know you are still angry, don't be angry, okay? You see, she has already been tied up, and I also know that you will never divorce me, so don't Angry?"

Zi Meng reached out and held Di Yuanmo's face to comfort him. Di Yuanmo, who was still dark-faced, sighed when he saw Zi Meng's fawning and obedient appearance, and raised his hand to cover Zi Meng's hand.

"Why didn't you just kill her? Why did you bring her back?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng puzzled, and Zimeng turned to look at the embarrassed Yanran.

"I really want to kill her, but Luo Qianqian should have something to say to her, right? So, give them a chance to communicate, after that, it won't be easy to kill her?"

Zimeng looked at Luo Qianqian who was sitting in front of Yanran who had been silent all this time, and opened her mouth helplessly. Di Yuanmo sighed again. He really didn't know how to refute Zimeng's decision.

"After Luo Qianqian finishes talking to her, I'll kill her with my own hands, so you're going to be angry, okay? You look so dark, you really don't look good!" Zi Meng looked into Di Yuanmo's eyes, lightly Opening his mouth softly, Di Yuanmo raised his hand and rubbed Zimeng's head lightly to show that he was not angry anymore.

And Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo's calm face, and a sweet smile suddenly appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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