Chapter 1844

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo followed those soldiers for a long time. Originally, Di Yuanmo was going to use space teleportation to go directly there, but Zi Meng stopped him.

Now, they still don't know what the purpose of these people is, and Di Yuanmo's ability should not have been noticed by them, so it can't be exposed so early for the time being.

In fact, Di Yuanmo didn't care how long he followed them, but he was worried that Zimeng would be too hard!

"I don't think there is much difference between this God Realm and ours. Moreover, some places, I even think, are not as beautiful as ours."

After walking all the way, Zimeng looked east and west, and was not satisfied with how he looked at this place, and even disgusted it.

The soldiers who followed them felt very helpless about this. This is the God Realm, and Zi Meng actually said that this place is not good-looking.

However, it seems to be true. People in the God Realm have been busy cultivating and improving their status. Who cares whether this place is beautiful or not?
"When this matter is settled, I'll take you to a place with a better environment." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, who raised her head and smiled at him.

The current Zimeng is very different from when she first came here. She has a lot more temperament and her complexion is better. Therefore, when seeing her smile, many soldiers have a feeling of heartbeat .

However, Di Yuanmo is the only one in Zimeng's eyes, she doesn't care what other people think of her.

Following the soldiers to a magnificent palace, both Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo couldn't help but stop.

They have been here for such a long time, and they never knew that there is such a magnificent palace here. However, it is not that they have not seen it. The reason for going out.

Therefore, they really don't know what is here. The only thing they know should be the one marked on the map Kaiwei gave them.

They just know the logo, but they haven't really seen it.

"Yuan, I think the two of us made a big mistake!" Zi Meng looked at the magnificent palace and said with self-blame, and her eyes were full of failures!
Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng's appearance, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. Di Yuanmo knew Zi Meng's thoughts very well.

The mistake they made was that they did not discover such a large palace in time. If they had discovered it earlier, they could have come here to hunt for treasure.

The palace looks so grand from the outside, so there must be treasures inside, right?Moreover, there must be no less baby!

That is, there are too many steps to go to the palace. If you want to go down, you don't know when you will go.

"Don't worry, it's not too late to know now. When we have time later, we can look around." Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand and walked up the steps without hesitation.

"Shall we go up step by step?" Behind Zi Meng and God Yuan Mo, pouted dissatisfied.

The soldiers who brought them did not follow, but stood neatly on both sides of the steps, watching the figures of Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo going up.

"If you're tired, tell me and I'll carry you up. There is a barrier here, and I can't use magic directly." Di Yuanmo turned to look at Zi Meng, who looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled. There is an enchantment?Why didn't she feel it?

(End of this chapter)

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