Chapter 1845 Take it easy
Zimeng closed her eyes and felt for a while, and found that it was indeed the case. Here, she couldn't even use her magic.

Immediately, Zi Meng's footsteps stopped, and Di Yuanmo looked at her.

"What if, after entering, our strength can't be unleashed, and they want to attack us, what should we do?" Zi Meng whispered, after Di Yuanmo frowned, he squeezed Zi Meng's hand tightly.

"Then I'll break their barrier!" Di Yuanmo walked forward with Zi Meng, and spoke slightly, Zi Meng smiled happily, and continued to walk up behind Di Yuanmo.

Kaiwei in the dark looked at the two of them and didn't know if they were on their way to death, but they were still walking so happily. He really didn't know how to evaluate the two of them!

"I always feel that someone is following us, is it my illusion?" Zi Meng walked for a while, looked around, and then looked at Di Yuanmo's profile.

"It's not wrong, someone is indeed following us, but there's nothing malicious about it." Di Yuanmo continued to walk up without turning his head, and every time he walked up a step, he could feel that the pressure was increasing a little bit !

"Zi'er, there is something wrong with this step, be careful." Di Yuanmo stopped, frowned and looked up at the steps that were going up all the way.

"Well, I know that the spiritual pressure here is increasing. No wonder those soldiers didn't come up. It seems that they know about it." Beside Mo, Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, Zimeng's expression was firm, which made Diyuanmo heave a sigh of relief.

"Do you want to continue going forward?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and said softly.

"Do you think we don't go up, is there any other way?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and smiled, and Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand to smooth Zimeng's sideburns.

"When I find out whose masterpiece it is, I will give him a hard lesson to vent my anger on you." Di Yuanmo watched Zimeng raise his mouth, and Zimeng looked at him amusedly.

"Why are you venting your anger on me? You are clearly venting your anger on yourself." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, and her explanation was correct.

Because, Di Yuanmo really wanted to vent his anger on himself, he was not in a good mood because he had to climb the steps to meet some kind of Lao Shizi!
Walking into the palace and entering the door, you will see a large hall. In the middle of the hall, there is a very magnificent seat, but the seat is empty.

On both sides of the main hall, there were four people sitting on one side. They were chatting in a bustling manner, but when they saw Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo suddenly appearing, they immediately fell silent.

The eight people looked them up and down, and when they saw Zimeng, some people's eyes were very revealing, and even, it can be said, a little salivating.

Zi Meng couldn't help frowning from those eyes, Di Yuanmo took a step forward and protected Zi Meng behind him, his murderous aura burst out, and he looked at those people coldly.

Only then did they realize that they would withdraw their gazes, and all of them looked at them pretending to be serious, their eyes full of scrutiny.

"Yo, I didn't expect that among the people who made us want to be promoted to demigods, there is such a handsome little brother?" A woman stood up, twisted her waist, and walked in front of Di Yuanmo. It was on Di Yuanmo's body, but Di Yuanmo took Zimeng and dodged to escape.

On the other hand, she stood calmly and looked at Di Yuanmo's shy and contrived expression.

(End of this chapter)

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