Chapter 1849
"Little sister, I advise you not to fight against this group of old stubborn people. These people can do anything." The coquettish woman hit Zi Meng's side, although she said that she was fighting Zi Meng.

However, Zimeng could clearly feel that she didn't try her best to pour water everywhere.

"Beautiful young lady, for the sake of taking care of me so much, I also want to remind you to hide as far as you can for a while. When my man breaks the enchantment of this temple, it will be very dangerous here! "

Zimeng reminded her in a low voice that she and Zimeng were slightly taken aback by their hands-on movements, and then looked at the others.

Although she didn't know if what Zimeng said was true, but Zimeng was very serious now, so she must be joking. If it was true, then Di Yuanmo must not be allowed to break the barrier.

However, the enchantment here has existed for many, many years, so it shouldn't be so easy to be broken by a demigod, right?

"Believe me, my man's ability is not simple! I told you because you didn't embarrass us, otherwise, I wouldn't tell you!"

Zimeng looked at her and whispered, she looked at Zimeng with some embarrassment, Zimeng said so, she really doesn't know what to do now?


"Don't try to stop me from being a man, otherwise, I will really fight you hard!" Zimeng looked at her with seriousness in her eyes.

As soon as Zimeng's voice fell, there was a bang, and the whole palace trembled, and a smile appeared on Zimeng's face.

Di Yuanmo succeeded, and Zi Meng could feel that her strength seemed to be released all at once, and she felt completely comfortable!

"Yuan, you are amazing!" Zi Meng ignored the woman who was fighting with her just now, rushed directly in front of Di Yuanmo, and kissed Di Yuanmo hard on the face.

And Di Yuanmo also hugged Zi Meng's waist, looking at those shocked people, Di Yuanmo was not surprised.

The enchantment here is indeed a trouble. Although Di Yuanmo wasted some time, he still solved it.

"In this way, now is the time for me to show my power, right?" Zi Meng nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms, looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo nodded slightly.

Just now, Zimeng has been aggrieved for a long time, now, naturally, it's time for her to show off her power!

"Zimeng, what do you want to do?" Luo Qianqian panted heavily, looking at Zimeng, wondering what Zimeng wanted to do with a smile on her face.

"It's okay, Qianqian, help your master, and take a good rest on the sidelines. Next, you don't need to do anything, I have to move around!"

Zimeng smiled at Luo Qianqian, Luo Qianqian blinked in confusion, and looked at Zimeng very puzzled, not understanding why Zimeng asked her to rest with her master.

"Be careful, don't get hurt by mistake, I'm going to blow up the roof here!" On Zi Meng's face, the smile became brighter and brighter, and Di Yuanmo shook his head helplessly.

Others don't know what Zimeng wants to do, but he knows it very well. However, with Zimeng here, he doesn't need to do anything.

Luo Qianqian and Luo Qing, who thought Zimeng was going to do something, looked at her, but found that Zimeng hadn't done anything, but, at some point, an unremarkable little mouse appeared on Zimeng's head.

And holding snacks in his hands, watching the few people in front of him eating happily.

(End of this chapter)

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