Chapter 1850 A Beating Meal Is Better

"Master, what are these people doing? Why are they looking at you so fiercely?" Lucky asked Zimeng while gnawing on some snacks.

"I said, when you suddenly appear, can you not appear on my head, and, besides, still eat on my head?" Zimeng rolled her eyes helplessly, lucky enough to hold the dim sum on her paws quickly After eating, he ran from Zimeng's head to his shoulders.

"Do you want to fight them?" Zimeng said lightly, shaking her head violently.

"They are too big, they will trample me to death." Lucky held Zimeng's ears tightly, refusing to fight.

Zimeng rolled her eyes helplessly, she didn't intend to let luck fight, okay?He was so scared that he grabbed her ear.

"There are a few of them here, I don't need you!" Zimeng turned her head with a smile, and looked at Lucky, who tilted his head and looked at Zimeng, as if he understood what Zimeng said.

"Roar!!" A roar came, and the few people who were shocked that Di Yuanmo broke the barrier here all looked up.

The top of the temple was empty, and four giant beasts were circling. Suddenly, a turtle-like beast suddenly fell to the ground, directly making the whole hall tremble for a while!

"Xuan... Xuanwu..."

"Blue Dragon, White Tiger?"

They all looked at the four great beasts in shock, Zi Meng's face raised the corners of her mouth, when she released the four great beasts, they turned into beasts directly.

What I want is this kind of shock!

"How is it possible?" They all looked at Zimeng in surprise, who would have thought that these two seemingly insignificant people would have such great abilities.

One easily broke the barrier that had protected the temple for thousands of years, while the other possessed the four long-lost beasts.

It's fine if there's only one, but now, four of them appeared at once, how is this possible?
"Great God Qinglong, let me tell you, you guys are done, can you come down and fight properly? Otherwise, they keep looking up at you, I can't help everyone?"

Zimeng looked up at Qinglong and the others. Xuanwu, who was on the ground, turned into a human form first, walked up to Zimeng, and looked at Zimeng.

"You should let us out earlier, as the master of our four great beasts, how can you be bullied by these people?"

Xuanwu looked at Zimeng very helplessly, his eyes were full of blame and worry, Zimeng smiled at him embarrassedly.

"Now, instead of worrying about her being bullied, it would be better to just beat her up!" Qinglong stood firm beside Xuanwu, and gave Zimeng a white look.

"If you want to hit me, I have no objection. However, as long as you are willing to do so, please feel free to do so, right? I will never run around!" Looking at Qinglong, Qinglong wanted to hit her angrily, but he couldn't bear it.

I could only stare at her angrily!If you can't fight, why don't you just scold and stare?
"Zimeng, don't make him angry on purpose, he is just worried that you will get hurt." Baihu looked at Qinglong who was so angry that he laughed.

"Now, should I get rid of this person first? You dare to attack Zimeng, I think you don't want to live anymore." Suzaku looked angrily at the few people who were frightened by their appearance.

Qinglong and Baihu all looked over when they heard Suzaku's words, and these people couldn't help but swallow their saliva. The current situation seems to be very unfavorable to them!
(End of this chapter)

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