Chapter 1851 It's Just God's Domain
"Wait a minute, we don't want to be your enemy, it's all a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding!"

"Yes, yes, it's all a misunderstanding. Since the two of you don't want to join any camp, we won't make it difficult for you, and we will definitely not trouble you in the future!"

Seeing that they were no longer their opponents, they immediately didn't want to continue the fight, but they all knew that if they continued to fight now, they would be the only ones who would be injured and lose their lives!

The power of the four great beasts, but with the increase of their master's strength, Zi Meng is now a demigod-level powerhouse, and the power of the four great beasts will naturally not be too weak!

So, now, although there are eight of them, and their strength is not weak, but in front of the four great beasts, they don't have much effect at all?
"Qianqian, did you know about Zimeng's four great beasts?" Luo Qing looked at Zimeng in shock, but didn't react for a long time.

"I don't know, Master, I just saw it. Before, she never let the four great beasts come out." Luo Qianqian turned to look at Luo Qing in a daze, and Luo Qing also looked at Luo Qian in a daze thousand.

Now it seems that it is a great honor for them to be friends with Zimeng!

Logically speaking, they are not qualified to be friends with Zimeng at all.

"Oh, you mean that in the future, you won't bother us, right?" Zi Meng looked at them happily with a smile, and they all nodded sharply.

How dare they have objections now?

Qinglong looked at them and frowned. Now that they said they won't make trouble, they won't know about it in the future!
A coercion belonging to the divine beast was released from Qinglong's body. Luo Qianqian and the others felt the horror of divine power. Except for Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo and the four great divine beasts, the others all knelt down. on the ground!
Under the might of the ancient beasts, they are powerless to resist!

"Zimeng..." Luo Qianqian yelled at Zimeng with difficulty, Zimeng turned her head and looked at Qinglong helplessly.

Once Qinglong is angry now, he doesn't care about anything. Now, not only the eight people who were against them knelt down, but Luo Qianqian and the others also knelt down.

Kaiwei looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo aggrievedly, he came here to help, okay?Why does he have to kneel down too?
"Great God Qinglong, stop if you can, it's an accidental injury!" Zimeng walked to Qinglong's side and looked at him, he withdrew his pressure and looked at Zimeng.

"Why do I always feel that this place is very similar to a temple, but this is not a real temple?" Suzaku looked around, a little puzzled. In his memory, the temple didn't seem to be like this.

"This is indeed not a temple, and this is not a god's realm at all. If I remember correctly, this should be a god's realm, right?" Qinglong said lightly, and Zimeng raised her eyebrows. This is indeed a god's realm.

"God's domain?" Luo Qianqian blinked in confusion, not understanding what Qinglong and the others meant.

Shouldn't this be the God Realm?

Why do they say that this is not the God Realm, but the God Realm?

"..." Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian, but didn't explain it, because he really didn't know how to explain it!
This is indeed not God's Realm, it's just a small God's Domain, and it was the most inconspicuous place ever!

(End of this chapter)

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