Chapter 1878 God of Creation...Grandpa

There was no trace left in place, as if Zimeng and the others had never appeared.

When Zimeng and Di Yuanmo reappeared, they were already in the space created by Chuangshishen. After adapting to the sudden gravity, Zimeng looked around and saw Di Moqi and Di Moqi playing together. Di Mofan.

"Mother..." Apart from the God of Creation that they felt when they first came in, Di Moli was the first to see Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

So, he got up and ran towards Zimeng and Di Yuanmo. In the middle, he also used his ability, as if shrinking into an inch, and soon arrived in front of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

"Wow, son, your strength has improved a lot now?" Zi Meng bent down to look at Di Moli, who had a slight blush on his face because of Zi Meng's praise.

"Father, mother..." Di Moqi and Di Mofan also hurried over, seeing Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, the three little guys were very happy.

However, because Di Mofan was still too young, he couldn't run as fast as Di Moqi, so Di Moqi took the lead in hugging Zimeng's leg, and Zimeng gently rubbed her head.

Di Mofan pouted and stood on the spot, looking at Di Moli and Di Moqi aggrievedly, and then disappeared abruptly. Di Yuanmo suddenly raised his hand and blocked Zimeng's face. He looked at Di Yuanmo with comprehension.

Then, a little guy appeared on Di Yuanmo's arm, and Di Mofan was held in Di Yuanmo's hand pitifully. The God of Creation looked at this scene and walked over with a smile.

"You guys are back so soon?" Chuangshi Shen looked at them.

Zi Meng took Di Mofan from Di Yuanmo's hand, and looked up at the God of Creation.

"During this time, the children have caused you trouble." Zimeng looked at Chuang Shishen gratefully. Chuang Shishen shook his head lightly and waved his hand. Exquisite tables and chairs appeared, and Chuang Shishen poured tea for them.

"Fortunately, with them, my life is much more fun."

"Mother, we are all very well-behaved, and we definitely did not cause trouble to Grandpa Chuangshishen!" Di Moqi hugged Zimeng's leg, raised her head and looked at Zimeng very seriously.

"Chuangshi Shen... Grandpa?" Zimeng looked at Di Moqi puzzled, what kind of strange name is this?
Chuangshi God has always been called the Father God, why did Di Moqi suddenly start calling Chuangshi God Grandpa?

"Mo Qi, don't be rude!" Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Qi helplessly, and Di Mo Qi immediately looked at Zi Meng with her mouth pouted.

"It doesn't matter, it's my permission. She called it like that, which makes me feel that I'm already very old." Chuangshishen looked at Di Moqi with a slight smile, and Di Moqi laughed happily.

Both Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were ashamed, but since the Chuangshi God allowed it, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo did not continue to stop it.

"Is everything resolved?" Chuangshishen said gently.

"Forget it. Next, we have to solve the matter of Yu." Zimeng looked at Chuangshishen, although she knew that Chuangshishen didn't want her to take back Yu's body, but no matter how Chuangshishen tried to stop her, She must do this.

Yu has lived in her body for so long, and they can be considered to have feelings. Moreover, Yu has helped her so much, she must thank Yu very much!
Now, there are not many things she can do for Yu, the only thing she can think of is to help Yu get back her body, no matter what she has to go through, she will get back Yu's body!
(End of this chapter)

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