Chapter 1879 Sprint Training (1)

"I think it's useless to stop you now, but I hope you listen to me, before going to the God Realm, you must have the corresponding strength!"

Chuangshishen watched Zimeng and Di Yuanmo speak softly, and Zimeng looked at him puzzled. She thought that Chuangshishen would stop them again, but unexpectedly, he just let them increase their strength!
"You just came back, talk to the children first!" Chuangshishen looked at the three children surrounding Zimeng and Di Yuanmo with a smile, Zimeng lowered her head, looked at them and smiled.

Di Yuanmo looked at Di Moli. After seeing him for a while, he could feel that Di Moli's strength had improved a lot. Presumably, during this time, Di Moli did not waste his cultivation.

"Mo Li works very hard. Sometimes, I let him rest for a while, but he doesn't want to." The Chuangshi God looked at Di Moli with a gentle smile on his lips. Zi Meng gently rubbed Di Moli's head. .

"I've told him many times, but he doesn't listen. He always says to use his own strength to protect me." Zi Meng looked at Di Moli tenderly, and Di Moli looked up at Zi Meng.

Naturally, he wants to protect Zimeng, Zimeng is his mother, now, Di Yuanmo is protecting her, and he will protect her in the future.

"This is the space created by Father God, and the spiritual power is naturally the best, so his cultivation can improve so fast!" Di Yuanmo looked gratefully at the Creator God, who just smiled and said Nothing was explained.

In fact, what he provided was just such an environment. The improvement of Di Moli's cultivation was only due to Di Moli's own efforts, and had nothing to do with him.

If Di Moli is here and does not cultivate seriously, this environment will not be of much use.

However, what made Chuangshishen very strange was that Di Moqi played with Di Mofan every day, but her cultivation was improving very quickly, which surprised Chuangshishen.

"Mother, mother, Mo Qi's strength has also improved a lot, you only praise your brother, and you don't praise me!" Di Moqi heard that Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were praising Di Moli, and immediately muttered in dissatisfaction Mouth.

"Yes, yes, you have improved a lot, so, Di Moqi, are these all your masterpieces?" Zi Meng looked up at the crooked and messy trees in the yard, and looked at Di Moqi helplessly. Mo Qi, Di Mo Qi immediately lowered his head and stuck out his tongue.

She would not admit this kind of thing, although her strength has improved a lot, but after giving birth to the big trees, she has no way to move them, so she can only leave them like this.

Moreover, Chuang Shi Shen looked at these trees and didn't say anything, so she didn't care much.

"You!" Zi Meng lightly nodded Di Moqi's head, and Di Moqi smiled, "If you want these trees to be obedient, you must first understand them and be gentle with them, so that they will be obedient and know ?"

Watching Di Moqi nod her head, under Zimeng's feet, the green light flashed and rushed towards the trees that Di Moqi gave birth to. Soon, those trees moved, one by one began to move, and they were neatly arranged.

"Wow, mother, that's amazing! It's become tidy, it's really tidy!" Looking at the disobedient trees, now they are neatly arranged, Di Moqi was very excited!

"Next time, you will come by yourself, you know?" Zi Meng lightly rubbed Di Moqi's head, Di Moqi nodded, looking at the neatly arranged trees with bright eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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