Chapter 1892
However, no matter what Xiaolu said, Di Mofan always looked indifferent, which made Xiaolu very depressed.

"Sorry, this child doesn't seem to be able to speak yet." Zi Meng looked at Xiaolu apologetically, and Xiaolu returned to Di Yuanmo's side pitifully.

Di Yuanmo kept looking at Zimeng, seeing how Zimeng didn't know them at all, Di Yuanmo was speechless.

"Miss Zimeng, Miss Zimeng!" Di Yuanmo called out, causing Di Yuanmo to look away.

"what happened?"

"Miss Zi Meng, the Patriarch wants you to go home quickly." A few maidservants hurried over and looked at Zi Meng anxiously, Zi Meng frowned in confusion.

"Did something happen?"

"I don't know, anyway, the Patriarch's expression is not good, why don't you go back with us?" The little maid was very anxious and wanted Zi Meng to go back with her immediately.

However, Di Yuanmo and the others saw that Zimeng seemed to be resistant and didn't want to go back.

"Zi'er, if you don't want to go, you don't have to go with them." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and spoke softly, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

After watching it for a while, Zi Meng smiled sweetly at Di Yuanmo, "Thank you, but my adoptive father saved me after all, so I can't be too ignorant of etiquette, can I?"

After Zimeng saluted Qinglong and the others lightly, she turned and left, and the little maids hurriedly followed.

"Qilin, you go with them to find a place to live first, and I'll go find you in a while." Di Yuanmo summoned Qilin, and after explaining something, he turned and walked in the direction Zi Meng left.

"Shall we follow?" Suzaku looked at Di Yuanmo and asked softly.

"Forget it, now, let him follow by himself. Now that he has seen Zimeng, if he is not allowed to see Zimeng's situation, he will not feel at ease."

After Qinglong finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Mu Xi, there was no need to speak, Yu just waited until Qinglong wanted to say something, and looked around.

"We have too many people, staying here will attract attention, or find a place to live in the wild?" Yu asked, and the others agreed.

They also don't like places with so many people, maybe because they stayed with Zimeng for too long, they were infected by Zimeng, right?
"Father called me back, what's the matter?" Di Yuanmo followed Zimeng to a magnificent courtyard, and saw Zimeng standing facing a man. Presumably, this person was the man named Manxi. Bar?

"Mengmeng, among those who participated in the martial arts competition to recruit relatives today, isn't there anyone you can admire?" Manxi looked at Zimeng, but Di Yuanmo was very annoyed by the name he called out.

The name Mengmeng is the name of the sparrow that follows Di Moqi every day. Although Di Yuanmo doesn't dislike this name, he is very angry when he hears someone call Zimeng like that!
"Father, those people are too weak." Zimeng said lightly, and Manxi's face suddenly showed a very happy smile.

"Actually, I don't think anyone is worthy of you, so why don't you just stay at home? Your adoptive father and my family have a big business, so it's okay to want to support you."

Manxi said so, and immediately grabbed Zimeng's hand. Seeing this scene, Di Yuanmo was so angry that he wanted to rush out and chop off his hand!

However, when he saw Zi Meng pulling out his hand without a trace, Di Yuanmo endured it.

At this time, Zimeng has forgotten everything before, so he can't be too impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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