Chapter 1893
"You are my adoptive father. I know you saved me, so how can I let you support me for the rest of my life? I'm really tired from the martial arts competition today. I'll go back and rest first."

After Zi Meng nodded slightly, she turned and left, leaving Manxi staring at her greedily.

Seeing Manxi's attitude towards Zimeng, Di Yuanmo decided to take Zimeng away as soon as possible, absolutely not letting her be in such a dangerous place.

Di Yuanmo could see through Manxi's thoughts on Zimeng at a glance, it was so nasty!
Di Yuanmo watched Zimeng enter the room, and left to find Qinglong and the others. He had to talk to Qinglong and the others about this matter!
"Why is Zi Meng like this?" Suzaku looked at Mu Xi, very worried.

"I think Zimeng had an accident when she was practicing, but I don't remember that someone encountered such a situation while practicing." Yu borrowed Mu Xi's body and spoke softly. Qinglong and the others all frowned.

"Accidents in cultivation, will I lose all my memories?" Di Yuanmo pushed the door open and looked at Qinglong and the others expressionlessly.

"Well, she should have sealed her memory at the last moment in order not to let herself forget everything, but I don't know how to open their memory. If the memory can't be opened, then they really will forget everything."

Yu looked at Di Yuanmo seriously, and Di Yuanmo frowned tightly. This kind of thing is really too bad.

Thinking about what happened before Zimeng disappeared, Di Mofan was always worried about Zimeng, and even in the end, when the situation was out of control, when Di Mofan bumped into Zimeng, it was probably to help Zimeng.

So, Di Mofan's memory will be sealed along with it, right?

However, Di Yuanmo's heart aches when he thinks of Zimeng facing him without any emotion and not remembering his expression at all!

"No matter what method I use, now, I have to find a way to get close to Zi'er, maybe, soon, she will be able to remember everything."

Di Yuanmo turned to look at the other people, they all agreed with Di Yuanmo's thoughts, and they also agreed to let Di Yuanmo approach Zimeng as a stranger.

"Qinglong, for the next period of time, you are going to protect Zi'er. Her so-called adoptive father has absolutely no intentions towards her. If he dares to do anything to Zi'er, he will kill him without mercy!"

Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at Qinglong, Qinglong and the others were a little puzzled, what did Zimeng's adoptive father mean for Zimeng that he was not innocent?
Could it be that Zimeng is in danger?However, Zimeng's strength is so strong, there shouldn't be any danger, right?
"It's just that guy is messing with Zi'er, don't think too much about it." Di Yuanmo explained lightly.

"I see, where is she? I'm going now?" Qinglong thought for a while, and what Di Yuanmo said meant that Zimeng's situation was not simple.

"I'll take you there in a while, and everyone else should first check what's going on with Zi'er." Di Yuanmo took out all the books that were lucky to give him before, piled them up in the room, and asked others to check .

Although they were helpless looking at those books, they had no choice but to read them in order to find out about Zi Meng's situation as soon as possible.

After Di Yuanmo and Qinglong left, the others gathered around there, constantly flipping through the piles of books.

"Can mother really think of us?" Di Moqi sat there, holding Mengmeng in her arms, looking pitiful, and asked Yu to put down the book in her hand and walk over.

(End of this chapter)

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