Chapter 1898 It's Disgusting
Zimeng opened her eyes to look at Di Yuanmo, and smiled at him apologetically.

"I think this method may have no effect on me, and I still haven't remembered anything." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and the others and spoke softly.

"It's okay, I can't think of it now, in the future, there must be other ways." Zi Meng wanted to get up, but the sudden pain in her body made her helpless.

"Don't move, you're hurt." Di Yuanmo waved his hand, took out a sheet, gently picked up Zimeng, and put him on the bed.

Zi Meng was lying on the bed, gradually closing his eyes. As soon as Di Yuanmo got up, the surrounding flowers and plants started to grow wildly, and then wrapped Zi Meng in it.

When Qinglong and the others saw this scene, they looked at it in surprise, but they didn't make any big moves, they just looked at her quietly.

As time passed, those plants began to wither little by little. Di Yuanmo and the others had never seen such a situation, so they were a little surprised.

In the past, Zimeng was also injured, but she had never been like this before. What is going on now?

After the flowers withered, they began to weather. Then, to their surprise, Zi Meng's injury began to recover a little bit.

"Who are you?" Xuanwu's voice came suddenly, and Di Yuanmo and the others turned their heads to look over.

"We are here to greet Miss Zimeng, please move out of the way." They looked at Xuanwu arrogantly. As the four great beasts, how could Xuanwu pay attention to them?

However, Zimeng sat up from the bed and looked at them, "You don't need to force yourself, I will go back with you."

Zimeng got off the bed, smiled apologetically at Di Yuanmo and the others, and then walked towards those who came to greet her.

Di Yuanmo held his hand tightly. Although he really wanted to stop Zimeng, he also knew that Zimeng had no memory now, so if he kept her like this, she would definitely feel disgusted.

In this way, the idea of ​​getting close to Zimeng was in vain.

"Zi'er, wait for me to pick you up!" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's leaving figure very seriously, Qinglong didn't need Di Yuanmo's arrangements, and turned around and walked towards Zi Meng.

Zi Meng is going back now, but Di Yuanmo and the others can't follow directly, they can only let Qinglong follow first, and they can get news in time if there is any situation.

Sitting in the room, Zi Meng looked at the things on the table in front of her and frowned curiously.

"What is this for?" Zimeng raised her head, stared blankly at the things in front of her and asked.

"Miss Zimeng, the head of the family said, you are so outstanding, how can those secular men be worthy of you? So, in the past two days, he has made preparations and is going to marry you. In this way, you will be the wife of the family."

The maid looked at Zimeng with a smile, and Zimeng sneered, "So, these Fengguan Xiapei are prepared for me? What did I say? Why did they put it here?"

Zimeng is now feeling disgusted, and can't feel any other thoughts. This Manxi rescued her, adopted her as a righteous daughter, and even enthusiastically offered her a martial arts competition to recruit relatives.

What now?
As a adoptive father, he actually wants to marry her as his wife?

"What if I don't agree?" Zimeng looked coldly at those maidservants who spoke up. They were a little surprised to see Zimeng marrying Manxi in the God Realm. What a wonderful thing it is.
Although, Manxi is a bit older!

(End of this chapter)

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