Chapter 1899 I'll Pick You Up
However, Manxi's status here is still very high, and if he can get married with Manxi, his status in the God Realm will also be very high in the future, isn't it?

"Even if I am a widow all my life, I will never marry him. Let him give up!" Zi Meng looked at them coldly. They didn't understand Zi Meng, but Zi Meng had already closed her eyes, no longer say.

Zimeng didn't want to marry, and they didn't know how to persuade her, so they had to leave.

When Manxi knew that Zimeng was unwilling to marry him, he was very angry. At the same time, he said that Zimeng was ungrateful, and Zimeng didn't say a word to him anymore. The day of marriage.

Qinglong went forward to help Zimeng, but the contract between Zimeng and him was broken, and he was the only one here, so he might not be able to help for the time being.

Therefore, after Qinglong took a look at Zimeng, he hurried back and told Di Yuanmo and the others about it.

"What did you say? That Manxi wants to marry Zimeng?" Suzaku jumped up when he heard Qinglong's words, looked at Qinglong in shock, Qinglong nodded slightly.

"I'll go and bring Zi'er out." Di Yuanmo didn't stop at all, and left directly.

Qinglong and the others originally wanted to catch up, but when Yu stopped them, they were very puzzled. Yu was the person who cared most about Zimeng, why did Yu stop them from helping?

"What is Zimeng most concerned about?" Yu looked at them, and they all understood that Zimeng cared most about Di Yuanmo and the two children, but what did this have to do with saving Zimeng?
"Perhaps, now is the best way to restore Zimeng's memory, although I don't know if it will work or not, but no matter what the method is, you have to try it, right?
We can't follow them directly now, but we can wait for them outside. If it is too dangerous, we can go directly to help. "

Yu smiled at them, and they understood what Yu meant, so they obeyed Yu's arrangement and hid in the dark.

When Di Yuanmo arrived at Manxi's house, there were already lights and festoons, and there was a lot of people talking, presumably it was for Manxi and Zimeng's wedding.

Zi Meng was led out by several people, she didn't wear the so-called red dress, she was still wearing her usual clothes.

She looked at Manxi coldly, but Manxi didn't care, and looked around the others proudly, they all looked at Zimeng.

Although Zimeng was not wearing a wedding gown, she was still glamorous at this time, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Zimeng's body. Now, Manxi was even more proud.

"Zi'er!" Di Yuanmo appeared, and for some reason, Zi Meng felt relieved.

"Who are you?" Manxi looked at Di Yuanmo dissatisfied. At this time, someone came out to cause trouble, which made Manxi very angry.

Especially, at this time, when everyone envied him, Di Yuanmo actually came out, and many women turned their attention to Di Yuanmo, and were amazed by Di Yuanmo's appearance.

"Why are you here?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile.

"I'm here to pick you up. As I said, you belong to me. I won't let anyone force you to do something you don't like." Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at Zi Meng seriously. He smiled sweetly.

Manxi looked at Zimeng, who never smiled at him, but smiled so happily at Di Yuanmo, which made Manxi very angry!At this moment, he wished he could kill Di Yuanmo directly.

(End of this chapter)

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