Chapter 190 Do You Have Principles?
Thinking about what Zimeng said when she came here, she was already devastated, otherwise, she wouldn't have a headache when she heard about Beili's house!

"Well, are you okay? I didn't mean it!" Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng's appearance, and suddenly felt that she had said something wrong.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. It's just that there are two demons in Beili's house who are against me. Before they leave, I will never go back, absolutely not!"

Zi Meng's resolute appearance made Nan Jin Chuyue very curious, what are two demons who are specifically against her?

It made her feel so bad!

"Then let's stay here first, anyway, there are many vacant rooms." Di Yuanmo said lightly, and Zi Meng immediately looked at Di Yuanmo with great gratitude.

Qinglong who was drinking tea at the side looked at Zimeng's appearance and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Actually, she just wants to stay here and see your face every day. Is it really okay for you to spoil her so much?"

Qinglong spoke very shamelessly, Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at Zimeng, the smile on his face made Zimeng turn his head in embarrassment, not daring to look.

"Qinglong, if you don't fight against me, you will die, won't you? What I regret the most in my life is that I fell into the trap of your face and made a contract with you!"

Zimeng grabbed the chicken leg on the table, and threw it at Qinglong unceremoniously. Qinglong's figure dodged slightly, then avoided, and then looked at Zimeng in embarrassment.

"It turns out that the contract with Qinglong was just because he liked his face?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, with a half-smile on his face, and Zi Meng turned his head to look at Di Yuanmo with a stiff expression.

"Well, how could it be? How can a decent person like me give up my own principles because of a person's face?"

Zi Meng stared at Di Yuanmo's face very seriously, and Di Yuanmo raised his eyebrows with serious eyes.

Both Qinglong and Lucky looked at Zimeng in disbelief, as if they couldn't believe that Zimeng said those words just now.

in principle?Does Zi Meng have principles?
Seeing good-looking people, regardless of gender, will be nympho. Does Zimeng like this have principles?
Why do they feel that the sky seems cloudy, is it going to rain?
Not to mention Qinglong and Lucky, even Nanjin Chuyue and Xuanwu looked at Zimeng with weird eyes.

Ever since Zi Meng woke up, Nan Jin Chuyue has seen three completely... no, no, it should be four completely different Zi Meng.

Zimeng is like a nympho, and he is a nympho regardless of gender. Then, Zimeng whose cold eyes can kill people, and then completely disregards his image when eating, and now, he is so cheeky that he doesn't blush when he tells lies.

They really didn't see that Zimeng had any principles!

"Well, what do you mean by the look in your eyes now?" Zimeng held another chicken leg in her hand, and looked at the eyes of several people carefully, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Maybe they feel that what you just said is somewhat different from the reality?" Di Yuanmo still had a faint smile on his lips.

However, in his eyes, it seemed that he was enduring something.

"What's the difference? I'm serious, okay? Where is the difference? Don't you think I'm very principled? I'm a very principled person. I never bully the elderly or children, and ..."

Zimeng began to talk about herself very seriously, she didn't feel that there was something wrong with what she said!

(End of this chapter)

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