Chapter 191 The Smile Is So Wretched

"Shut up, don't you feel blushed when you say these words? I feel ashamed!"

Qinglong looked at Zimeng helplessly, and Zimeng stared at Qinglong with dissatisfaction, what she said was the truth, why should she blush?
Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zimeng and Qinglong, but she never expected that the relationship between Zimeng and Qinglong would be like this, and besides, isn't Zimeng a member of Beili's family now?
Why did she say that she had a headache when she heard about Bei Li's house?
Nan Jin Chuyue is very curious, okay?

"Master, there are people outside asking about Miss Zimeng's whereabouts, do we need to get rid of it?" Yu Zhu walked in from the outside, looked at Zimeng, and then asked Di Yuanmo.

"Find out my whereabouts, can't you? They two still don't give up?" The chicken leg fell from Zimeng's hand again, and her whole face turned into a bitter face.

"No need, they should be the ones Zi Meng is hiding now." Di Yuanmo waved his hand, Yu Zhu nodded and walked out.

Zimeng sat there a little wanting to cry without tears, her whole body lost her energy, Qinglong and Lucky could only sigh helplessly.

"I'm going back to continue my practice, I don't bother to talk to you." Qinglong stood up, stretched himself, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Xuanwu and Nanjin Chuyue looked at each other and shrugged helplessly. They both knew that Qinglong had always gone his own way, so they didn't find it strange.

What they are wondering now is, who is Zimeng avoiding?
"Actually, I think the Liuli school is very suitable for you, you can try it." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's appearance, and said slowly.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and blinked her eyes. Although she was right, she couldn't leave now, otherwise, what would happen to Di Yuanmo's injury?

"Liuli Sect? I heard that Zimeng is going to the Liuli Sect, but you haven't decided yet, have you?"

Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng suspiciously, Zi Meng shook her head, it wasn't that she didn't make up her mind, it was just that she didn't think about whether to go or not, okay?

Whether it is going to Yuantianzong or Liuli Sect, it is not a good decision, and there is no freedom.

She still doesn't want to give her youth to these gangs who don't know if they are reliable or not.

"The people looking for me outside should be those two from the Liuli Sect. In order to let me go with them, they have already tossed Beili's house into a mess. Now I have the heart to kill them first."

Zimeng stretched out her hand helplessly to support her chin, not caring at all that the oil stains on her hand had rubbed onto her face.

The corner of Nan Jin Chuyue's mouth twitched slightly, what did those two people Zi Meng mentioned do?It would make Zimeng show such a pitiful expression.

"However, I'm not at home. Those who were poisoned by Ling Siyun should be fine, right?" Zi Meng stood up suddenly as if she had thought of something.

"You're not here, she should detoxify them. Anyway, people from the Liuli Sect won't injure innocent people."

Di Yuanmo spoke lightly, and Zimeng was relieved, so she had nothing to worry about.

Hahaha! !

Zimeng smiled happily, so that she can stay here forever, and when she is sure that Di Yuanmo's body can be completely healed, she will consider whether to go to the Liuli School or not!
"Zi Meng, why, I think your smile is so obscene?" Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng's crazy size, and hid back in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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