Chapter 2009 full of malice

"We must find a way to wake her up first!" Zi Meng frowned slightly as she looked at the soul of the goddess of life, and Di Yuanmo and the others also became serious.

It's simple to think of a way, but now they have tried it, it's useless at all, isn't it?

Next, what else can I think of?
"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Just when Zimeng and the others were anxious to find a solution, Youque Mengmeng and Xiaolu, who had nothing to do, started fighting.

I don't know how the deer provoked Mengmeng, Mengmeng chased after it and kept pecking it with its sharp beak.

Maybe it's because Mengmeng didn't show mercy at all, so Xiaolu is running away like crazy!

Hearing their chaotic voices, Zi Meng twitched the corners of her mouth, these two guys were too noisy, what should Zi Meng want to do if she wanted to beat them out?
Now, Zimeng's mind is full of thoughts about how to rescue the soul of the goddess of life, but Xiaolu and Mengmeng have completely attracted his attention away.

"You two be quiet for a while." Yu saw Zimeng's patience. Now, they are anxious about the goddess of life and need to be quiet. The two of them are so noisy, it's strange if Zimeng is not angry.

"But..." Xiaolu ran towards Zimeng and the others, and at the same time turned to look at Mengmeng, who was still chasing after him.

Mengmeng is angry, it is really terrible, in order to survive, it has to run away quickly!
However, the little deer, who had been looking at the cuteness all the time, didn't look at the road. As a result, he bumped into the light ball protecting the goddess of life.

Zimeng and the others stared blankly at the deer, who would have thought that this stupid deer would bump into it so directly.

The shock wave sent the little deer flying, and the little deer was dizzy not far away and couldn't stand still. Mengmeng didn't continue to chase it, but watched the little deer tossing around with great interest.

Everyone was speechless, but no one went to see Xiaolu's current situation. They knew that this was the case, and they didn't look at the road if they were looking for death. There was nothing they could do!
Before everyone could accuse Xiao Lu, a layer of faint cracks appeared on the light ball that could not be destroyed at all. Everyone looked at the goddess of life in surprise. Then, the light ball shook and suddenly shattered under the eyes of everyone.

Everyone, including where Zimeng was, was stunned. They all had some doubts. Did they read it wrong? They all saw that the light ball that had been struggling for a long time and had not been broken was smashed by Xiaolu's head just like that!
For this light group, they have struggled for a long time before, okay?Moreover, it was completely useless. I didn't expect it to be broken now, just like that!

Moreover, it was so thoroughly broken!
"Is it my illusion?" Zimeng was stunned for a while, looking at the slowly floating soul, she spoke softly, as if she was afraid of scaring the soul of the goddess of life!

"Probably not, we all saw it!" Di Yuanmo replied, and then Zi Meng quietly turned to look at Xiaolu.

That sight is resentful!
The little deer stumbled and stumbled for a while before recovering. Feeling the burning gazes around him, the little deer couldn't help swallowing, and stepped back.

"I was wrong, but I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose..." Xiaolu said, and stepped back pitifully. The sight of these people is really terrifying!

From a distance, Xiao Lu felt the malice in those gazes, making it shiver involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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