Chapter 2010 Doomsday

"Come here, little deer, come here and let's chat." Zi Meng waved to Xiaolu, squatted down and looked at Xiaolu with a smile.

However, seeing Zimeng's bright smile, Xiaolu's four hooves couldn't help but retreated again, and then retreated again.

Although Zimeng smiled happily, Xiaolu was not really stupid, it could still see the emotion in Zimeng's eyes.

It knows that Zimeng is very angry and depressed now, so the little deer feels the chill from its hooves to its antlers!

"That... that... I don't know anything, I don't know, don't ask me, I really don't know anything!"

While looking at Zimeng timidly, Xiaolu backed away slowly, for fear of being caught by Zimeng.

Seeing the little deer's reaction, Zi Meng put away the smile on her face, stood up, waved her hand, and a vine appeared, heading straight for the little deer.

Xiaolu felt the danger and wanted to run away, but just as he turned around, he saw Di Mofan who was behind him at some point.

Di Mofan lowered his head and looked at the deer expressionlessly. The deer's body froze there.

It forgot about Di Mofan, what Di Mofan does now, everything is based on Zimeng's interest.

Immediately, the little deer felt that the situation was not good, and it knew that it could not escape now!

Whether it's Zimeng or Di Mofan who is standing in front of it now, they are all terrifying, the four hooves of the little deer are trembling a little!
"Woo~" Xiaolu looked at Di Mofan with tears in his eyes, but its pitifulness was of no use to Di Mofan.

Di Mofan looked at it indifferently, Zimeng's vines had already reached the little deer's side, and instantly tied the little deer up.

After Zimeng nodded in satisfaction, she waved her hand and pulled Xiaolu to her side.

"Xiaolu, should you tell us how you did it? We have been busy here for a long time just now, and all of them failed. You just hit it!"

Zimeng stared dissatisfied at the little deer who was tightly bound by her vines, she was really dissatisfied now!
I'm in a very bad mood!

It's no use for a large group of them to be busy for so long.

How can a stupid deer who only eats and sleeps all day long, and only sleeps and plays, get his head smashed away?

Is there a function in its head that they don't know about?Surprise them with time!

"I... I... I don't know, I just accidentally, really accidentally." Xiaolu looked at Zimeng in fear, Zimeng looked at Xiaolu seriously for a while, waved her hand, the vine gradually disappeared, Xiaolu freed.

Say something careless, this will make Zimeng's birthday even better, okay?
If you are not careful, you can shatter that ball of light. They have worked so hard for a long time, okay?
Also, fawns are really weird!
Everyone looked at the little deer in puzzlement. Before that, it woke up Di Mofan whose memory had been sealed.

Now, smashing the light group guarding around the goddess of life with one head, they can't do this!
Even though Xiaolu had been with Chuangshishen for a long time and absorbed some of Chuangshishen's divine power, Zimeng absorbed more, but she didn't open it!

This in the end is why?

"Little Lu, did you use your spiritual power when you ran into it just now?" Di Yuanmo watched the little deer quiet for a while, as if thinking of something, he suddenly asked it.

(End of this chapter)

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