Chapter 2011 Efforts in vain?

Zimeng and the others all looked at Di Yuanmo, not knowing why Di Yuanmo had such a problem, but Di Yuanmo looked at Xiao Lu, so they looked at Xiao Lu again.

The little deer tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head lightly, it was only concerned with running away, where did it remember to use its spiritual power?
So, definitely useless!

"I understand." Di Yuanmo's sudden words made others look at him in puzzlement.

What does he understand?

What came to mind?

what happened?

"Well, Yuan, what do you understand? Can you tell us?" Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo slowly raising his little hand, looking like an obedient baby who asked questions whenever he didn't understand.

"Do you remember what we did when we wanted to break the green light ball?" Di Yuanmo looked at the crowd and asked a question gently.

"Before? It must have been full of aura?" Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled. It seems that this question is unnecessary to ask, right?Didn't Di Yuanmo do the same?

"That's right, before, when we wanted to break the barrier, we used aura. That was our first thought before we were ready to do it. But no matter how much we use it, it's useless. So, I think, if we want to break the light group, there is no way to use it." You can’t use spiritual power.”

Di Yuanmo's explanation was very simple, but Zimeng and the others understood it. Because of this, they worked hard for a long time but it was useless.

It is because of this that the deer that is useless for nothing can be knocked away with its head!

I have to say that the Goddess of Life is really smart, she would think of using this trick to ensure the safety of her soul!
Without wasting time, Zi Meng took out the body of the Goddess of Life, and then used her divine power of creation and power of life to guide the soul of the Goddess of Life into her body.

The process was very slow, and everyone nervously watched the little changes.

The green light on the goddess of life became more and more intense, and the soul gradually disappeared in the body of the goddess of life.

The light gradually disappeared, and the Goddess of Life, who was not breathing before, began to breathe gradually. As her breathing became more and more stable, everyone thought she was about to wake up, but, except for breathing and a weak heartbeat, there was no other change!
"What's going on? Why didn't you wake up? Could it be that something went wrong?" Zi Meng looked at the unresponsive Goddess of Life in confusion.

"It shouldn't be. I've seen the fusion of soul and body. There must be nothing wrong." The Goddess of Light looked at Zi Meng seriously, and Zi Meng frowned slightly.

Indeed, she also felt the breathing and heartbeat from the goddess of life, but what was going on?You should wake up, right?
"Still can't wake up?" Di Mofan looked at the motionless Goddess of Life with some disappointment.

They found her soul with great difficulty, and they also allowed the soul and body to blend together. Why didn't they succeed?
Are their efforts going to be in vain?
"Don't worry, I will wake up!" Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Fan seriously.

Di Mofan looked at Zimeng and nodded slightly. He believed that Zimeng would definitely wake up the goddess of life.

No matter how long it takes, I will definitely wake up!
Zimeng felt the pulse of the goddess of life, wanting to see if she really did something wrong.

However, the goddess of life's body is normal, but she hasn't woken up yet.

"Maybe it's because her body and soul have been asleep for too long, so she can't wake up for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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