Chapter 2026 Forbidden (2)

If it really works, she won't have to worry so much when she gets busy later, right?

"Well, how do we try?" The Goddess of Light and the others stood in front of the gate leading to the outside of the God Realm, looking at Zimeng with some hesitation.

Zimeng pointed to the gate, signaling the goddess of light to go over. The goddess of light looked at Zimeng helplessly, then walked over seriously, and took a deep breath in front of the gate of the God Realm.

Then, she walked straight over, but as soon as she reached the gate, she was bounced back by a force, and Zi Meng hurriedly reached out to catch her.

Zi Meng looked at the gate in shock, and then turned to look at Di Mofan. Di Mofan didn't need Zi Meng to speak, and walked over directly. However, there was no obstacle at all, and he walked over easily.

Zimeng blinked again, and after helping the Goddess of Light to stand firm, she also walked over. However, she also walked over easily without any hindrance.

This made Zimeng a little puzzled, why they could pass but the Goddess of Light couldn't?

Seeing that Zimeng also walked over, Yu stood there with a tangled look, and walked over too.

And Yu also walked over normally, I don't know if it was because she was no longer hungry, or because of some other reason.

"Although, I don't know what's going on, but it seems to be very effective, but can it really work?" Zimeng and Di Mofan walked back to the front of the crowd together, looking at everyone's appearance, Di Yuanmo gently rubbed Zimeng's head.

Whether it is useful or not, for Zimeng, there should be no problem, at least, she can relax a bit.

"What are we going to do now?" Di Mofan looked at them, what was to be tried had already been tried, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?They also confirmed that the previous restriction was effective.

"Why, Mo Fan, can you walk over? Could it be that you are not a god?" Zi Meng looked at Di Mo Fan with some doubts, and Di Mo Fan scratched his head lightly.

"I'm your son." Di Mofan looked at Zimeng and thought for a while, then opened his mouth softly. Zimeng was stunned for a while, then nodded his head to understand Di Mofan's words.

Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and looked at Di Mofan helplessly, such a sentence made Zimeng speechless, I really don't know if Zimeng would believe it.

But what is going on?
Obviously, Di Mofan is also a god in the God Realm, but why is he not controlled by Zimeng's prohibition?

Obviously, the goddess of light has been banned, so why isn't he?No matter how I think about it, I can't figure it out!

"What's wrong with you all? Looking at me like that?" Di Mofan looked at Zimeng and the others in confusion, they all shook their heads, not because of anything else, but because Di Mofan said that he is Zimeng's son, Zi Meng didn't react for a long time.

It's just that they don't care about what the ban is all about. Anyway, something is better than nothing, isn't it?
"Next, I have to take a good look at how to solve the problem here. Although, I don't know how to keep them from going out all the time, but it's okay to find a way to restrain them?"

Zimeng looked at everyone with a weak look, which made them very helpless. Even so, everyone would still help her find a way.

So, a few people got together and began to think about how to help Zimeng and solve these problems.

(End of this chapter)

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