Chapter 2027 Forbidden (3)

However, they didn't know what Zimeng was thinking, so for a while, they didn't know what Zimeng was going to do.

So, even though they gathered together, they still had to listen to Zimeng's thoughts first.

"Zi'er, what are you going to do?" Di Yuanmo poured a glass of water for Zi Meng, and placed it in front of her. Zi Meng held the tea cup, looked at the tea in the cup, and lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

After everyone looked at each other, they also looked at Zimeng with some embarrassment, wanting to know what Zimeng was thinking, but Zimeng was in a daze now, so they could only stare at Zimeng in a daze.

"I can't think of what to do now, but I think no matter what, I have to think of a suitable method. Now that I have rescued Yu's body, I must be responsible to the end."

Zimeng looked at Yu and smiled faintly, and Yu also smiled. She knew a long time ago that this matter could not stop Zimeng, but now that the matter has been like this, they have to face it together.

"Don't think so much yet, rest!" Seeing Zi Meng's clueless look, Di Yuanmo got up directly and pulled Zi Meng up.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion, there are still many things that have not been resolved, aren't they?Why do you have to go to rest all of a sudden?
"That, Yuan..." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion, but seeing Di Yuanmo's serious expression, Zi Meng swallowed the words back.

"You guys go, you haven't been alone for a long time, Zi Meng, we will discuss it slowly after we come back." Yu calmly waved to Zi Meng, Zi Meng hadn't spoken yet, Di Yuanmo The Goddess of Life who has not woken up in his space has been sent out.

The goddesses of rain and light surrounded the goddess of life, while Di Yuanmo and Zimeng disappeared in front of everyone.

As soon as he entered the space, Di Yuanmo had already thrown Zi Meng down on the bed. Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo innocently and blinked.

"Yuan, what's the matter with you?" Zi Meng lay there, looking up at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but directly lowered his head and kissed Zi Meng's lips, Zi Meng blinked puzzledly, and then slowly Slowly closed his eyes, accepting Di Yuanmo's kiss.

After receiving Zimeng's response, Di Yuanmo no longer cared about anything else, and kissed Zimeng's lips fiercely, venting all his patience these days.

However, although it was somewhat similar to venting, Di Yuanmo was still very careful not to hurt Zimeng.

After tossing for an unknown amount of time, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng who was already asleep in his arms, tightened his arms, and pulled Zi Meng into his arms again.

It's been a long time since I hugged Zimeng to sleep. Di Yuanmo was reluctant to close his eyes, so he just looked at Zimeng for a long time before closing his eyes.

A satisfied smile on his face showed that he was in a good mood.

Zi Meng slipped into Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo opened his eyes and looked down at her.

She lightly kissed Zimeng's forehead, and then closed her eyes again.

Di Mofan outside looked at the Goddess of Life who had been sleeping all this time, and then looked down at his hands. After a moment of daze, he sighed softly with a gloomy expression.

"Perhaps, I will leave soon. I hope we can meet again in the future." Di Mofan said softly. Di Moqi stood aside, tilting his head to look at Di Mofan in confusion. Mo Fan lowered his head and smiled at her.

(End of this chapter)

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