Chapter 2028 Zi Meng is pregnant (1)

Di Moqi tilted his head and looked at Di Mofan puzzled, not knowing what he was laughing at.

Can't figure it out, so Di Moqi didn't think about it anymore, and continued to play with Mengmeng and the others.

After Zimeng rested, she came out with Di Yuanmo. When Yu and the others saw Zimeng, they all smiled flirtatiously. Zimeng looked at the two of them and rolled her eyes helplessly.

These two are definitely watching the expressions, right?
"Okay, stop making trouble, hurry up and think about the new order, the Creator Gods are really, they just created them, and they don't care about anything, it's too much!"

Zimeng sat there, looking at them helplessly, and they gradually put away the laughter on their faces, and looked at Zimeng very seriously.

Zimeng took out the paper and pen, and began to think seriously about how to write a new order. No matter what kind of order it is, it should be nothing to God.

However, Zimeng must come up with an order that allows them to obey unconditionally. Otherwise, even if it is temporarily resolved now, after the Creator God returns, these troubles will still exist.

Zimeng doesn't like to give up halfway, so she must think of the best order!

An order that will never be overthrown, of course, this eternity does not include the Creator God.

If the Chuangshi God feels that something is inappropriate, he can naturally modify it, but the real Chuangshi God doesn't know when he will come back.

Now, Zimeng did all this for her own sake. Chuangshishen left after leaving the matter to him, and she had no chance to refuse, so she had to get all these done so that she could live a stable life, right?

Otherwise, one day, she will die from overwork!
"Have you figured it out?" Sitting beside Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo handed Zi Meng a cup of tea.

"I don't know at all, but I don't want to give up like this, I really can't figure it out!" Zi Meng lay on the table pitifully, looking at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo patted Zi Meng's head, and Zi Meng closed her eyes. The eyes rubbed against the palm of his hand, like a small animal.

"By the way, hasn't the goddess of life woke up yet?" Zimeng turned to look at the goddess of rain and light, and they shook their heads slightly.

After such a long time, they have not woken up, and they are also very worried. However, Zimeng has seen it, and there is no big problem, so they can only wait for the goddess of life to wake up by herself.

"Although I don't know when I will wake up, there should be no problem. Don't worry." After Zi Meng smiled at them, she lowered her head and continued to work on the new order.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's serious writing and didn't speak, just stayed by her side, while Di Mofan, who had not made any movement, kept staring at Zimeng.

Although he didn't say anything, his fiery gaze still caught Zimeng's attention.

"Mo Fan, what's wrong with you?" Zi Meng looked at Di Mofan and said softly. Di Mofan looked at Di Yuanmo, then at Zimeng, and then shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

Zimeng watched him be quiet for a while, since Di Mofan said that she was fine, then she had no reason to keep asking, because she knew that everyone has their own concerns.

"Mo Fan, please take a look around and see what all the gods are doing at this time. By the way, take a good look too. What do those so-called gods think about the fact that they can't leave the God Realm in the future? of."

(End of this chapter)

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