Chapter 2079 Running away from home
"Old man Wen Zhong, this is my apprentice. What do you want to do by looking at her with such a smile? Let me tell you, I can give you anything. Don't even think about it, my apprentice!"

Tang Jingcheng looked at Wen Zhong domineeringly, and Wen Zhong looked at Tang Jingcheng helplessly, he was just talking to Zimeng, why did he rob him of his apprentice?
Zimeng, who was standing behind Tang Jingcheng, couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Why hasn't she made any progress as a master?

Zimeng really doesn't know what to say for someone of this age to be so childish!
"Yuan, can I say, I don't know him?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo beside her, with a helpless face, Di Yuanmo smiled.

"of course can!"

"Hey, no matter how strong you are, I'm still your master. How dare you say you don't know me?" Tang Jingcheng looked at Zimeng dissatisfied, Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo, and ignored Tang Jingcheng at all, making Tang Jingcheng angry. You can't come!

Wen Zhong also smiled happily seeing Zimeng not giving Tang Jingcheng face so much.

Before the others came, Bei Liyang asked someone to prepare meals, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo sat together, watching everyone chatting, Di Moli and Di Moqi had fun with Bei Li Haoxuan, Zi Meng Meng and Di Yuanmo felt more at ease.

Everyone arrived one after another, all sincerely happy for Gu Qingli, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo exchanged simple greetings with everyone, and then, tired of excuses, the two left directly.

"Yuan, shall we go?" Zi Meng, who said she was tired before, looked at Di Yuanmo with great interest, and Di Yuanmo nodded helplessly.

"Although it is fine to leave now, Zi'er, are you sure we leave without leaving a letter for them?" Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zi Meng's waist and stared at Zi Meng, who looked at Zi Meng eagerly. Di Yuanmo thought about it.

That's right, if you don't leave a letter, everyone will think that something happened to the two of them, so, for the sake of safety, it's better to leave a letter, right?

After speaking, Zimeng lay down on the table, took out the pen and ink, and started to write a letter. Di Yuanmo didn't know what he was going to write, so, soon, she stood up straight.

Moreover, she looked at the letter on the table with satisfaction on her face.Di Yuanmo looked down at the past with some doubts, but in the end, there were only a few words on the letter.

"Yuan and I go out to relax, don't read!" Di Yuanmo read the words on the letter, and then looked at Zi Meng helplessly.

"Zi'er, although we said that we ran away from home, the content of your letter is a bit too simple, right?"

Di Yuanmo pointed to the words on the letter, looked down at Zimeng, Zimeng blinked her innocent eyes and looked at Diyuanmo, could it be that she wrote something wrong?
What she wrote was very serious, why did Di Yuanmo say it was simple?

"I think it's good to write like this, don't you?" Zi Meng blinked and looked at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo was helpless, Zi Meng said it was good, so it must be good!

Moreover, although it is only a few words, it is enough to explain that the two of them went out to play, and nothing happened. In this way, everyone can feel at ease when they see it.

"Yuan, can I write like this?" Zi Meng looked down at the letter she had written again, then turned to look at Di Yuanmo suspiciously.

"Yes!" Di Yuanmo nodded slightly after thinking about it.

"Then let's go!" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo excitedly, Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zi Meng's waist and disappeared into the room.

(End of this chapter)

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