Chapter 2080 Chain her up

Not long after Zimeng and Di Yuanmo left, Bei Liwan and Ling Siyun came to look for Zimeng, talking and laughing.

"Have the master and madam come back?" Yu Zhu looked at Bei Liwan and the others in confusion, she had been sitting here for a long time, did she not see Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng coming?

"Didn't they come back a long time ago? Didn't you see it?" Bei Liwan looked at Yu Zhu in puzzlement, Yu Zhu shook her head lightly, she was sure she didn't see Zi Meng and Di Yuan Mo.

Bei Liwan and the others were all a little puzzled, how could this be possible?
Obviously the two of them came back, but Yu Zhu didn't see them?

"Well, I suddenly have a bad feeling!" After Ling Siyun was quiet for a while, she looked at the other people helplessly, and everyone looked at Ling Siyun in puzzlement.

Bad feeling?
What will it be?
Ling Siyun hadn't explained yet, everyone seemed to have thought of something suddenly, they all didn't speak, and rushed directly to Zimeng and Di Yuanmo's room.

When they slammed open the door and saw the empty room, their premonition seemed to come true!

"They really aren't there?" Bei Liwan looked around but didn't see Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, and walked in directly.

Ling Siyun and the others also followed in. Looking at the empty room, several people couldn't help but sighed, and Yu Zhu also stopped in front of the table.

"Yuan and I go out to relax, don't you want to read?" Yu Zhu saw the letter left by the so-called Zi Meng on the table, read it lightly, and several people gathered around, poking their heads out to look at the letter in Yu Zhu's hand.

"What is this?" Ling Siyun asked softly.

"It seems to be a letter from Madam. She and the master should not be here anymore, right?" Yu Zhu handed the letter to Ling Siyun. After Ling Siyun took it, the corner of her mouth twitched fiercely.

This is really a bad premonition, right?
Zimeng and Di Yuanmo are not at home, and they left such a letter to go out to relax without even explaining, isn't it really disgusting?
"Can this be understood as the little aunt and the little uncle who ran away from home?" Bei Liwan was quiet for a while before she opened her mouth. Ling Siyun and the others couldn't help but rolled their eyes. Only now did they realize that it seemed a little strange. Is it late?
When Zimeng said that she was tired, they shouldn't believe it, but she ran away so quickly!

Everyone doesn't want Zimeng to do anything, okay?However, after leaving home for so long, they always felt that Zimeng should have a good rest at home for a while.

Unexpectedly, Zimeng ran away from home with Di Yuanmo and left her two children, Di Moli and Di Moqi, with just a few words.

I really don't know what expressions the two children will have when they know about this!
"I really should tie her up with a rope!" Ling Siyun said angrily, and Bei Liwan coughed uncomfortably, then looked at Ling Siyun.

"What's wrong? Could it be that what I said is wrong? Don't you want to?" Ling Siyun looked at Bei Liwan dissatisfied, and Bei Liwan sighed.

"It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't dare, okay? If you dare to tie her up, the little uncle will definitely chop you up first, trust me." Bei Liwan patted Ling Siyun's shoulder seriously, He took the letter left by Zimeng from her hand.

"Next, let's think about it carefully. After we go back, how to explain to the two children that the little aunt and the little uncle left the two of them and ran away from home!"

(End of this chapter)

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