Chapter 208 Definitely Crush You
If luck is here, wouldn't it be blown away by a gust of wind?Fortunately not.

Zimeng stood there, looking around, trying to find a way out, but in the end, she couldn't see anything except the endless yellow sand.

"If you want to leave here, you can only go straight forward, otherwise, you will die here!"

An old and ethereal voice appeared in the air, the corners of Zi Meng's mouth tugged violently, and she gritted her teeth viciously.

"Damn it, you dare to treat me like this. After I go out, no matter what you are, I will crush you to pieces!"

Zimeng pointed at the sky and shouted, but all she got was her echo, and she couldn't help but put down her hand again.

"By the way, let me remind you by the way, if you get injured here, your body outside will also be injured along with it!"

The voice rang again when Zi Meng was about to walk forward, Zi Meng couldn't help but staggered, she seemed to have crushed that thing now!
"Forget it, I'd better go first, and settle accounts with it after I go out! I hope it didn't attack Lucky."

As Zimeng said, she raised her feet and started to walk forward. The wind in the desert kept whistling in Zimeng's ears, and the gravel hit Zimeng's face, leaving red marks.

Lucky looked at the red mark that suddenly appeared on Zimeng's face, and immediately ran to its ancestor, looking at it angrily.

"What's going on here? Why did the master get hurt?"

"I've already told her that if she gets hurt in that world, the same wounds will appear on her body. It seems that she didn't take my words to heart!"

After it glanced at Zimeng lightly, it closed its eyes and was not going to continue talking. Fortunately, it wanted to ask something, but the previous light cluster had already appeared on it.

Lucky returned to Zimeng's side and stared at Zimeng closely.

Zimeng kept walking in the desert, and she could feel that her mouth and ears were full of sand blown in by the wind.

However, she didn't stop, but kept walking. She would not give up this little tribulation.

Once, she survived being trapped in the desert for a week, but now, how could something go wrong with her?

After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, Zimeng already felt parched, and her body was also severely dehydrated. Panting heavily, Zimeng stopped, and Zimeng looked around.

If you go on like this, you will die of thirst.

She reached out to touch her pocket, unexpectedly, the pocket was also there, smiled, and took out a seed.

"Whether I can live or not depends on you." Zi Meng said, carefully placing the seeds on the sand.

The green light radiated from Zimeng's hand and landed on the seeds. The seeds grew rapidly and stopped when they were two people tall. A satisfied smile appeared on Zimeng's face.

She has always liked to eat sugarcane the most, so she must have some sugarcane seeds on her body. After coming to this world, although there are not many seeds left, as long as there is one seed, it is enough for her to use for a lifetime.

Zi Meng took out the dagger, cut off the sugarcane piece by piece, then put it into the ring, arranged the seeds and stuffed them into the pocket, then took out a piece of sugarcane and gnawed on it.
The sweet taste flowed into her mouth, and Zi Meng suddenly felt as if she had come to life. After eating a piece of sugarcane, Zi Meng stretched comfortably.

With sugar, Zi Meng's speed is also faster, but no matter how fast it is, the desert seems to be boundless, and it is impossible to get out.

(End of this chapter)

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