Chapter 209 Want to Get Down and Wait to Die

If it weren't for Zimeng's perseverance that is different from ordinary people, I'm afraid she would have chosen to lie down and wait for death.

"Master, you have been guarding here, did something happen to Zimeng?" Outside, half a month had passed, and Xing Yage was still guarding the entrance of the cave.

Ling Siyun and Shengge came to deliver some food to Xing Yage from time to time, but Zimeng never came out, so they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It should be fine, that lord will not hurt her, maybe there is something to take up the time to come out? You go back, if you have nothing to do, don't come here.

If other people find out, they will definitely think wildly, and the Liuli Sect can't make trouble at this time. "

Xing Yage turned his head and smiled at the two little girls, Ling Siyun nodded and handed Xing Yage a bottle of elixir.

"Master, we don't know when Zimeng will come out. This contains ten bigu pills that I refined. If you are hungry, you can eat one."

"Well, these few days, you should keep an eye on the matter of the Liuli Sect. When Zimeng comes out, we will go back." Xing Yage took the elixir and smiled at them.

Ling Siyun nodded, and walked back with Shengge who was still unwilling to leave,

"Senior Sister Ling, Zimeng has been in for such a long time, and has never come out, and the head of the sect has never left. Is it really okay to stay here?"

Shengge turned her head to look at Ling Siyun. During the short time she spent with Zimeng, she still liked this future junior sister very much. She didn't want anything to happen to Zimeng.

"Don't worry, the master said it's all right, it's definitely fine, let's listen to the master first!" Ling Siyun patted her on the head, Sheng Ge nodded, followed Ling Siyun in three steps and left behind. .

Sitting there, Xing Yage couldn't help sighing, Zimeng hadn't come out for so long, and she didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let Zimeng come here.

"I'm going, such a big snake, do you want me to die or something? Just let me die!" Zi Meng looked at five or six snakes as thick as hers in front of her, feeling like she wanted to die .

The snake didn't give Zi Meng time, and rushed over with his head down. Zi Meng hurriedly avoided, but was still scratched by the scales on its body, and the blood on his arm fell on the yellow sand.

A small tender sprout poked its head out where Zi Meng's blood was low, and soon, a fist-sized head appeared under the tender sprout.

"The smell of this fresh blood is so delicious! If you can give me more to drink, I will definitely be able to grow up."

When it came out of the yellow sand, it turned out to be a naked, naked little doll. Following his movements, the tiny sprouts on its head swayed from side to side.

Zimeng was fighting against the big snake, so she didn't notice this little thing that suddenly appeared.

"Wow, what is this? It's scary, help!" Seeing the huge snake tail coming towards him, the little guy squatted down in fright, holding his head, not daring to look.

Zi Meng heard the cry for help, and then saw the little guy with his bare butt, frowned, and threw out a seed.

The seeds germinate and grow, forming a little cage in which the little things are protected.

The snake's tail hit the cage, driving the cage into the yellow sand for a few minutes, but it didn't break the cage.

Seeing that the little guy was fine, Zimeng continued to deal with the big snake. The seed seemed to be free of money, and was thrown out by Zimeng.

Just by the way, the seeds have already inflamed and grown up, forming big trees one by one, and the big trees are full of vines swinging back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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