Chapter 210 Not So Stupid

With a wave of Zimeng's hand, those vines immediately started to move towards the direction of the big snake. Seeing this, the big snake hurriedly dodged, but one escaped, but the other followed immediately. In the end, the poor big snake had only the one bound by the vines. ending.

"How dare you hurt me, hit the snake seven inches, go to hell!" Zimeng waved her hand again, and a sharp vine emerged from the yellow sand, piercing straight to the snake's seven inches.

The big snake fell limply like a soft-legged shrimp and remained motionless, which made Zimeng heave a sigh of relief.

"Now it seems that no matter where the snakes are, they all have this weakness?" Zimeng smiled lightly, and walked towards the little thing that was still trapped in the cage.

"Who are you?" The little thing didn't wait for Zimeng to ask, so he spoke first.

"Shouldn't I ask you? This place doesn't seem to be a good place, does it? I'm so surprised that you are such a little thing here!"

Zimeng smiled, and poked the little thing's smooth face. The little thing covered his face, tilted his head, thinking about how to answer Zimeng's question.

But after thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to answer.

"Forget it, look at you, it's useless to ask, you hurry up, this place is very dangerous, I don't know if that snake will wake up."

Zimeng sighed, stretched out his hand, and put the cage back, the little thing just looked up at Zimeng who turned around and left without hesitation.

If other people see him, they will try their best to catch him back, right?However, Zimeng just left like that.

He also reminded him to pay attention to safety. He lowered his head and thought about something seriously, and decided...

Zimeng stopped after walking for a while, then turned her head, "I said, why are you following me? I can't protect myself now, and I can't protect you."

"..." No matter what Zimeng said, he just looked up at Zimeng without saying a word.

Zi Meng had no choice but to turn around and continue on her way.

She has no day and night here, and she doesn't know how long it has been, she just knows to walk here all the time.

So, now, she just wants to leave here as soon as possible. Outside, Lucky and Xing Yage are still waiting for her. If they don't go out for such a long time, they will definitely be worried.

"..." Seeing Zimeng leaving, he immediately followed.

Zimeng was tired from walking, so he sat down and began to gnaw on the sugarcane. The sweet smell in the air made him gulp.

Zi Meng stopped gnawing on the sugar cane, sighed at his greedy look, took out the dagger, peeled off the sugar cane skin, and gave him a piece.

Following Zimeng's example, he sat down on the ground and gnawed.

The sweetness of the entrance made the corners of his eyebrows raise.

After supplementing the nutrients, Zimeng got up and left. The little thing watched Zimeng leave. The sugarcane in his hand hadn't been eaten yet, so he looked at Zimeng, then at the sugarcane.

I don't know whether to follow Zimeng or continue to sit here and eat sugarcane.

After struggling for a while, he chose to drop the sugar cane in his hand, got up and followed Zimeng to continue walking.

This thing is gone, he can ask Zimeng for it, but if Zimeng leaves, he will never be able to eat it again.

I have to say that although this little thing is small, it doesn't seem to be very stupid.

Zimeng turned her head to look at him, didn't speak, and continued on her way. However, there was a nice smile on the corner of her mouth, but the little guy who was chasing her was walking with his head down, and didn't notice.

(End of this chapter)

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