Chapter 211 I am with you

The bright sun in the sky caused a layer of sweat to seep out of Zimeng's face, but she didn't have the time to raise her hand to wipe it off. She also knew that the sweat couldn't be wiped clean, so she didn't care. .

After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, the strong wind blew up again. This time the strong wind was stronger than before. Just standing still, Zi Meng felt as if she was about to be blown away.

The little thing who had been following Zi Meng was blown up, Zi Meng hurriedly reached out and pulled him back into her arms.

"Continuing like this is not an option. Although I am also in a hurry to get out, I can't rush out like this!" Zi Meng thought for a while, then put her hand into her waist pocket again.

The two seeds were held between Zi Meng's fingers, looking at the seeds in her hands, Zi Meng sighed helplessly.

"Just here, so much wasted. After going out, can you make up for it? I'm really in a bad mood!"

The little thing looked up at Zimeng, not understanding what Zimeng was talking about, but soon, she was shocked by Zimeng's actions.

Zi Meng just threw out two seeds, and the seeds quickly grew into a plant.

The plants are not very big, nor are they very lush, but the two together form a space enough for one person to hide in. Zi Meng lowered her head and got in, and the wind and sand suddenly eased a lot.

"We have to hide here for a while, and continue to set off when the wind stops." Zi Meng looked down at the little thing in her arms.

The little thing looked up at Zimeng, and nodded seriously.

Zimeng looked at him and frowned slightly, "Little thing, I remember you can talk, but you have been with me for so many days, but you didn't say a word, and I don't know your name, isn't it good?"

Zimeng looked at him with a half-smile, which made him shrink his head back involuntarily.

"Say it, your name!"

"I... I don't have a name. I haven't had a name since I was born. All I know is that I've always been here. It's just me and this piece of yellow sand."

The little thing lowered his head a little aggrieved, holding his two little hands together, his green eyes were full of tears, as if he was being bullied.

However, after hearing these words, Zimeng frowned slightly, but soon began to apply.

She raised her hand and gently touched the little guy's head, unexpectedly, this little guy had the same experience as her.

"Since there is no name, just choose one. Don't be so sad. From now on, you will follow me and I will accompany you."

Zimeng's words made him raise his head, staring at Zimeng with teary eyes, not knowing what to say.

Zimeng just smiled, turned her head, and looked out through the gap between the tree and vines. The strong wind was still going on, and she didn't know when it would stop.

Take advantage of this time to take a good rest and adjust your physical condition.

"I don't know how to choose a name!" After the little guy was quiet for a while, he spoke leisurely, Zi Meng turned to look at him, and burst out laughing.

She thought this little thing was thinking about something, but she didn't expect that it was just thinking of a name for herself.

"It's okay, let's rest first, I will help you think of a name, and I will definitely help you choose a name you like."

The little guy came out of Zimeng's arms obediently, lay beside Zimeng, curled himself into a ball habitually, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Maybe it was because Zimeng was by his side, which made him feel at ease, so, soon, his even breathing came.

(End of this chapter)

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