Chapter 2094

After Di Yuanmo left, Zi Meng looked around, found a teahouse and sat down, ordered a pot of tea, and waited for Di Yuanmo to come back.

Although the tea was not as delicious as Di Yuanmo's, Zi Meng didn't dislike it either, and drank the tea leisurely, watching the crowd coming and going.

"Yo, little girl, drink tea alone?" Zi Meng just poured tea into the empty cup when someone sat down beside her and looked at Zi Meng with a wretched smile.

Zi Meng didn't seem to hear or notice it, so she continued to drink tea and waited for Di Yuanmo to come back.

"Are you pretending to be reserved and turning a blind eye to us? This is not good!" Another person also sat down beside Zimeng, one left and one right, as if to prevent Zimeng from leaving.

"There are already people here, can you please leave?" Zi Meng spoke lightly without even looking at them, but they still sat there as if they didn't hear Zi Meng's words.

"Little girl, don't be so heartless. If you don't have acquaintances here, it's very dangerous. With us, you will be much safer."

As they spoke, they were about to catch Zimeng, but Zimeng didn't move, and two vines suddenly appeared, binding the two of them together in an instant.

"You, you, what are you doing? Let us go."

"That's right, let us go, otherwise, we won't let you go!"

They have been restrained by Zimeng, but they are still uttering wild words. Zimeng is drinking tea, and tapped lightly on the table with one hand. They were still arrogant, but they were thrown out by the vines.

They fell in the middle of the road, howling in pain, frightening many passers-by, and at the same time, everyone turned their heads to keep a distance from them, and walked around far away.

Zi Meng didn't move at all, just sat there, ignoring the shock of the people around who saw the situation in front of her, still full of leisure.

Di Yuanmo suddenly appeared, Zi Meng got up, turned to look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo walked to Zi Meng's side, looked at Zi Meng and nodded.

"Then let's go, we'll go find him now!" Zimeng was excited to go out, Di Yuanmo looked at the people around him, and then at Zimeng.

"Why are they looking at you like this?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's puzzled opening, and Zimeng followed Zimeng's line of sight, and blinked in puzzlement.

Why these people stared at her so much, she didn't know what was going on, the only thing she knew was that these people seemed to be afraid of her!
Did she do something weird?
"I don't know what's wrong with these people, don't worry, let's go, I have a lot of things to ask carefully!" Zi Meng didn't know what happened to these people, and she didn't bother to care about them so much, she was full of thoughts Questions waiting for someone to answer her!
Di Yuanmo was a little confused about Zimeng, so he took Zimeng's hand and walked out of the teahouse, leaving a group of surprised people staring at him.

Except for the teahouse, Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng disappeared immediately, perhaps because they were used to all kinds of magic, so their disappearance did not attract much reaction from many people.

When Zimeng and Diyuanmo reappeared, it turned out to be in a deep mountain with a good environment. Zimeng turned to look at Diyuanmo, and Diyuanmo nodded helplessly. Then, he took Zimeng's hand and continued walking. walked forward for a while.

"Yuan, are you sure you're here?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo in confusion, there seemed to be no one here, right?

(End of this chapter)

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