Chapter 2095 Can't Go Back

"At first, I was a little skeptical, but look." Di Yuanmo pointed to a bamboo house not far away, and Zi Meng looked in the direction Di Yuanmo pointed.

Sure enough, there was a bamboo house there, and Zi Meng walked over angrily with a vicious light, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's appearance, and sighed helplessly.

Zimeng is really angry now!

"Zi'er, can you calm down?" Di Yuanmo hurriedly followed Zi Meng to calm her down.

"Yuan, I'm very calm now. I will definitely respect the old and love the young, and I won't beat him up. Just rest assured." Zi Meng smiled sweetly at Di Yuan Mo, so sweet that Di Yuan Mo's body couldn't help but tremble.

Zimeng is indeed very calm now, but the calmness is a bit scary!

Moreover, respect the old and love the young, and won't beat him up or something, is it definitely ironic?
With Zimeng's appearance, she will never let him go!
The door of the bamboo house was suddenly opened, Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng looked at the person who came out, and the person also saw them, and immediately froze in shock.

"Father God, long time no see. It looks like you're living in style!" Zi Meng looked at him with a smile, and he suddenly looked at Di Yuanmo with some embarrassment.

That's right, the acquaintance Zimeng saw early in the morning was the Chuangshishen. Before, Zimeng was a little skeptical that the Chuangshishen should have disappeared.

However, she didn't want to give up just like that, so she cared more, but she didn't expect that it was really the God of Creation.

"Did you admit your mistake?" Chuang Shishen looked at Zimeng and the others and spoke softly. Zimeng raised her eyebrows, did you admit it?

how could it be possible?
At the moment when he saw them, Chuang Shi Shen obviously had no idea on his face, how could he admit his mistake?

"Really? Then, may I ask, Father God, shouldn't you disappear? Why are you here? Could it be that it's just to avoid leisure?"

Zimeng looked at Chuangshishen with a smile. Chuangshishen was even more embarrassed when he heard that Zimeng didn't believe him at all, so he could only look at Di Yuanmo for help.

Who knows, Di Yuanmo just shrugged his shoulders and ignored him. With Zimeng here, it is impossible for him to help, right?
"Father God, shouldn't you give me an explanation now?" Zi Meng put away the smile on her face and looked at Chuang Shi Shen seriously.

To be honest, Zimeng is really angry now. She has been busy in the God Realm for so long, and she is exhausted to death. That is because the Creator God has disappeared, so there is no other way.

But what is the result?

She was so tired of all the troubles in the God Realm, but Chuang Shi Shen lived here leisurely, which was so annoying!
"I don't know what's going on. Originally, I thought that I was really going to disappear, but after waking up, I found that not only did I not disappear, but I also left the God Realm.

The environment here is good, and my strength hasn't recovered yet, so I took this opportunity to live here. I didn't expect to be seen by you. "

Chuangshishen walked up to Zimeng and Di Yuanmo helplessly, and explained to them. Zimeng and Diyuanmo looked at Chuangshishen suspiciously.

Didn't disappear, just left the God Realm?what happened?
What made Zimeng and Di Yuanmo even more depressed was that the God of Creation wanted to live here, if he didn't go back, what would happen to the God Realm?Could it be that Zimeng has to be responsible all the time?

(End of this chapter)

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