Chapter 316 Kissed Her

Zi Meng sat there, quietly looking at Di Yuanmo who didn't know what he was thinking. Di Yuanmo felt Zi Meng's gaze and looked up at her.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, I just feel that recently, you seem to be more and more casual in front of me." Zimeng smiled happily, Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, as if so.

"Think about it, when we met for the first time, I was very surprised when I saw you. At that time, I wanted to ask, if you are so good-looking, are you a man or a woman.

In the end, before I even said a few words, you sent me flying without saying a word. At first, however, it made me depressed for a long time! "

Zi Meng pouted dissatisfiedly, and Di Yuanmo laughed. Unexpectedly, Zi Meng still remembered the first time they met.

At that time, Zimeng gave him the same image as those women on the street, a person with false plans, so he felt a little disgusted.

"By the way, back then, how much did you hate me? I remember very clearly that it wasn't just once or twice that you hit me flying."

Zi Meng leaned forward and looked at Di Yuanmo seriously. Di Yuanmo was a little uncomfortable. At that time, he was really not used to Zi Meng approaching.

However, later on, it seemed that she had gotten used to it, and instead, when Zimeng was not around, she would feel that there was something wrong with her.

"I don't hate you." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's unusually serious look, and spoke while suppressing a smile, Zi Meng rolled his eyes.

"You don't hate me, but you still beat me up, oh, my little heart has been broken several times!" Seeing Di Yuanmo holding back a smile, Zi Meng became even more dissatisfied.

"You're still laughing. In fact, you did it on purpose, right?" Zi Meng got up, walked in front of Di Yuanmo, bent down and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"How could that be?" At this moment, the distance between the two of them was so close that they would touch the tip of each other's noses with just a slight movement. He uttered two words lightly, and the warm breath sprayed on Zi Meng's face. .

At this time, Zimeng's pink lips were pouting in dissatisfaction, as if she was playing a petty temper, or acting like a spoiled child to Di Yuanmo.

Suddenly, the two of them seemed to have sensed something, and they froze there, looking at each other motionlessly.

In Di Yuanmo's eyes, Zimeng's face was reflected, and even the delicate down on her face could be seen, and the faint fragrance of her body could be smelled.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's lips, and involuntarily approached them slowly. The warm touch made both Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng tremble.

Zimeng's face was full of astonishment, and she froze there.

Countless happy villains danced in Zimeng's mind.

Di Yuanmo actually kissed her!

Di Yuanmo kissed her!

Kiss her!
Di Yuanmo sensed that he was out of control, and hurriedly separated from Zi Meng, but Zi Meng was still standing there blushing.

Seeing Zimeng's blushing face, Di Yuanmo actually smiled, which seemed to be a good feeling.

He stretched out his hand, pulled Zi Meng who hadn't reacted yet, into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her lips, Zi Meng's active brain was now blank.

The sudden kiss made Zimeng forget to think about why Di Yuanmo did this, and she didn't want to think about it, so she closed her eyes obediently, as if everything was taken for granted.

And Lucky, who was lying on the bed and ignored by them, turned around, turned his back to them, buried his face in the quilt, raised his buttocks, and swayed his tail behind him from side to side.

It's in a very depressed mood now, it's still a child, okay, these two people did this in front of it, aren't they afraid to teach it to be bad?

(End of this chapter)

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