Chapter 317 Must Be Misunderstood
When Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng separated, Zi Meng blushed and calmly came out of Di Yuanmo's arms, and then...

Without giving Di Yuanmo time to react, he rushed out in a hurry.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's movements, and he was stunned for a while before he realized it. He lowered his head and laughed, but after laughing for a while, he couldn't help sighing.

Although I like this feeling, is it really okay to go on like this?

"Ah, the master is... shy? It's scary!" Lucky sat there, blinking and looking at the door. What did it see just now?

Its owner is actually shy, it's rare to see it?

Di Yuanmo looked at Lucky, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and raised a smile, "Just now, did you see it all?"

Looking at Di Yuanmo's smile on the corner of his mouth, Lucky's small body couldn't help trembling, it was so scary!
"Huh?" Di Yuanmo's voice rose slightly.

"Wow, I didn't do it on purpose. No one thought that you would suddenly...suddenly..." Seeing Di Yuanmo's mouth corners rising more and more, luck could not be said.

Di Yuanmo now has the idea of ​​strangling luck to death, but he was seen by it just now, which is really a mistake!

Lucky shrank back, trying to reduce his sense of existence, these two people are so scary, woo, this place is really too dangerous!

"..." Di Yuanmo looked at Lucky's aggrieved and cautious look, put away his smile, and looked outside the door. In fact, he should have already faced up to his own heart, right?

Next time, talk to her about it.

"Zimeng..." Seeing Zimeng running out, Xing Yage and Ling Siyun raised their hands to say hello, but as soon as they called their name, Zimeng had already run away, and Xing Yage put down his raised hand.

"What's wrong with that girl? You are in such a hurry to run." Xing Yage looked at Zimeng's farther and farther figure in puzzlement.

"I don't know, didn't Master Guoshi go in to find her? Didn't he say something that made her sad?" Ling Siyun was also puzzled.

Xing Yage thought about it and found it impossible. Although Di Yuanmo is a national teacher, he should really care about Zimeng. How could he say something that made Zimeng sad?


Xing Yage, who was an 'experienced person', suddenly remembered something and suddenly smiled.

"What's wrong? Sect Leader? Do you know why?" Ling Siyun approached Xing Yage and looked her in the eyes. Xing Yage shook his head and said nothing.

"It's really nothing? I saw in your eyes that you wanted to dodge." Ling Siyun approached again, and Xing Yage directly avoided her sight.

"Absolutely not, you are still a child, you don't need to know." Xing Yage stretched out his hand, pushing Ling Siyun's face away, and then, there was a smile on his face.

Ling Siyun frowned, looking at Xing Yage, always felt that Xing Yage seemed to be hiding something from her.

Moreover, she is no longer a child!
Besides, Zi Meng didn't know how long she ran before she stopped, panting for breath, the blush on her face hadn't disappeared yet.

"What are you doing? You ran out all of a sudden, it's over, it's a shame!" Zi Meng scratched her hair in distress.

When she was so romantic, but she ran out suddenly, Di Yuanmo must have misunderstood her.

Obviously, she was looking forward to this time so much.

"But, it's too much for him to mess around without saying anything?" Zimeng thought about it, and felt a little wronged. Di Yuanmo had never said those words to her, and he just...

(End of this chapter)

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