Chapter 318 Zimeng Was Arrested
Thinking of the scene just now, her face, which had finally recovered a little, suddenly flushed again, and she covered her face with her hands, showing a nympho-like expression on her face.

Suddenly, Zi Meng put away the expression on her face, and even lowered her hand a little coldly.

"come out!"

"Oh, I didn't expect to be discovered." Dongyang Lian walked behind Zi Meng from the dark, with a sneer on her face.

"It's the strangest thing that you can't find such a murderous aura, Dongyanglian." Zimeng turned her head and looked at Dongyanglian, and Dongyanglian frowned at Zimeng.

"Tell me, what do you want from me? Don't say anything like passing by." Zimeng looked at Dongyanglian calmly, and Dongyanglian looked at Zimeng's face, wishing to crush her.

What she dislikes the most is Zimeng's appearance!

"I'm just here to remind you that you can't beat Senior Brother, you'd better quit, otherwise, don't blame me if you die."

After Dongyang Lian finished speaking, she turned around and left, Zi Meng blinked her eyes, did this guy come here just to say this to her?

Didn't that man come here to avenge her?

Telling Zimeng like this now, if it weren't for Zimeng knowing who she is, maybe she would be moved!


That is absolutely impossible, Zi Meng is not such an easy-going person.

After sorting out her mood, Zimeng walked back slowly. On the way, thinking about how to face Di Yuanmo, she didn't notice anyone approaching at all.

Seeing that she raised her hands like that, Zimeng fell down, a pair of big hands caught her, and disappeared on the spot.

"Master's aura has disappeared." Lucky, who was sitting on the table and gnawing on snacks to vent her grievances, suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction where Zi Meng disappeared.

Although its strength has not recovered now, it is still very easy to perceive Zimeng's breath.

Before, Zimeng's breath could always be felt, but it suddenly disappeared. This is impossible, even if it is far away, it can still be felt.

Now, it has disappeared.

"What?" Di Yuanmo, who was reading under the tree, heard Lucky's words and looked up at it.

"Master's aura has disappeared, something must have happened." Lucky jumped on Di Yuanmo's body in a hurry, grabbing Di Yuanmo's clothes.

Di Yuanmo closed his eyes, released his mental power, and sensed all the places around him that he could perceive.

No, really no, how is it possible?

No matter how fast she is, it's impossible to run that far, right?

"Master, where are you? Woohoo!" Lucky looked up pitifully and cried, Di Yuanmo reached out and lifted it from his clothes and put it on his lap.

That's right, it was lifted, and what's more, it was the tail.

"Since it's not here, it must be..." Di Yuanmo frowned fiercely. If he was really taken to that place, I'm afraid they won't be able to find it for a while, right?
"I said, what are you talking about?" Xing Yage looked at Di Yuanmo and Lucky in confusion.

"Zimeng isn't here, her aura has disappeared." Di Yuanmo turned the wheelchair, dropped the words very carefully, and left directly.

There are only two possibilities for the breath to disappear, one is that the owner of the breath has died, and the other is that she is no longer in this interface.

Seeing Di Yuanmo's cautious expression just now, could it be that he went to that place?

However, it is impossible for someone to go to that place by himself, right?It can only be... have you been arrested?
(End of this chapter)

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