Chapter 320 Stay together all the time

After saying this, Zimeng couldn't help but wanted to slap herself, what stupid things did she say?No matter how you look at it, this man is dangerous, right?She even said just now, let him catch her again!
Is this the rhythm of not dying?

And that person didn't seem to expect that Zimeng would say such a thing suddenly, so he burst out laughing.

Zimeng sighed, and wanted to find a place to die before this person killed her!
"What's your name?" He looked at Zimeng quietly and asked Zimeng's name.

"Zimeng, Beili Zimeng."

"Beili Zimeng? I see, remember, my name is Ziyaoye, and remember what you just said, I will send you away now, and I will go back to pick you up after the pharmacist competition."

Zi Yaoye walked to Zimeng's side and put her hand on Zimeng's shoulder. Zimeng wanted to avoid it, but a force that did not belong to her was forcibly poured into her body.

"Ah!!" For a moment, Zi Meng felt a tingling pain all over her body, and the tingling pain was only for a moment, and it disappeared soon.

But even so, a layer of cold sweat still appeared on Zimeng's face.

"What was that just now?" Zi Meng looked at Zi Yao Ye dissatisfied.

"That is my power. No matter where you go, I can find you." After Zi Yaoye finished speaking, she lifted Zi Meng's clothes and disappeared in place. When they reappeared, they were already in the pharmacist's room. The venue of the game.

Di Yuanmo, who had been frowning tightly, sensed Zi Meng's aura, and hurriedly looked over, Zi Meng was still being held in Zi Yaoye's hand.

"It's really here!" Di Yuanmo frowned tightly.

The corners of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help twitching, this guy, it's too much to mention her here!
Because of their sudden appearance, everyone around them looked over and looked at them strangely.

"I'll come to you, don't try to run away!" Zi Yaoye left Zimeng on the ground, without looking at her, and disappeared in a flash. Zimeng sat on the ground, propping her chin with one hand, curling her lips in dissatisfaction.

Still looking for her?

Zimeng really doesn't want to see him at all, okay? !
This man is really too dangerous, he must find a way to get that power out of his body!Otherwise, wouldn't he really be dead?

"Zimeng, are you okay?" Di Yuanmo had already controlled the wheelchair and rushed over, stretched out his hand, and helped Zimeng up.

When seeing Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, really relieved.

"Just now, I thought I was going to die. What happened to that person? It's really scary!"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo aggrievedly, and Di Yuanmo reached out to pat the dust on the clothes.

"He is not a good person. It should be said that he is a very dangerous person. I didn't expect that he would be found so quickly. After the meal, you have to stay with me all the time, you know?"

Di Yuanmo stopped his movements, raised his head, and looked at Zi Meng with serious eyes. Zi Meng was slightly taken aback, always with Di Yuanmo?
Zi Meng, who didn't know what to think of, blushed suddenly, and Di Yuanmo coughed a little uncomfortably.

"Well, by the way, who is he?" Zi Meng changed the subject in a low voice.

"I'll explain this matter to you later. Let's prepare for the competition first." Di Yuanmo didn't answer Zi Meng's question directly. Now, Zi Meng must go to the competition first.

(End of this chapter)

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