Chapter 321 Not in a good mood

"Okay, then I'll go there first, that..." Originally, Zimeng wanted to ask if there would be anything wrong with someone else's power staying in her body, but after thinking about it, forget it.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm going." Zimeng left in a hurry, but she didn't see Di Yuanmo's pair of handsome eyebrows tightly knit together after she left.

"Master, what should we do?" Leng Nan looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly.

"Don't act rashly for now. Next, follow Zimeng at all times and ensure her safety."

Di Yuanmo's voice was full of coldness, Leng Nan nodded and left, and Di Yuanmo returned to his own position.

Although Zimeng returned safely, Xing Yage and Tang Jingcheng were still very worried.

If Zi Yaoye can catch her once, she will definitely catch her a second time. Even if they take more precautions, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them, right?
They were terribly worried here, but Zimeng was very calm. Anyway, even if they were worried, it was useless, so it was better to be calm.

Zimeng was bored watching the match on the stage. Although she came back late, her match hadn't arrived yet, so she could only sit on the sidelines and wait.

"Master... woo..." Lucky has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers (a sea of ​​people), and finally rushed to Zimeng's side, and threw herself into Zimeng's arms aggrieved.

"What's wrong? Crying like this?" Zi Meng looked helplessly at Lucky who was crying.

"Master, Lucky is worried about you, woohoo, from now on, Lucky will never be separated from Master again." Lucky raised his teary eyes, and looked at Zimeng pitifully.

"Sorry, I made you worry. I can't help it. I was taken away suddenly. Moreover, I was knocked out and taken away."

Zimeng said that she was also very helpless, who knew, she would faint suddenly?Moreover, after waking up, he was already in the so-called demon world, and he didn't even have a chance to call for help.

"Master, are you injured?" Lucky looked at Zimeng worriedly.

"No, nothing happened, don't worry." Zimeng put luck on her shoulders, smiled, and luckily lay on Zimeng's shoulders.

After Zimeng disappeared, it was very nervous. Now that Zimeng finally came back, it seemed to be exhausted.

When it finally arrived at Zimeng, she looked at the luck on her shoulder and sighed, this guy has already fallen asleep, what should he do if he is injured on the competition stage?
"Zimeng, it's your turn to play." Fu Zijin walked to Zimeng's side and carefully reminded her.

"Well, just right, Zijin, please take care of this child first, it's asleep, so I can't take it up." Zimeng carefully took off the luck on her shoulder, and handed it to Fu Zijin.

"Okay." Fu Zijin nodded, looking at Lucky lying sprawled in his palm.

Zimeng moved her body a bit and stepped onto the arena, so that she could not die. Her opponent was the one from Shuramen.

"Seeing you come here, I feel relieved. It proves that you really want to die." He looked at Zi Meng coldly, but Zi Meng looked down at her nails, completely ignoring him.

"Did you hear me?" He glared at Zimeng angrily, Zimeng put down her hand calmly and looked up at him.

"I heard it, you are so loud, how could you not hear it? However, I am not in a very good mood today, so let me kill it!"

(End of this chapter)

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