Chapter 346 Zi Yao Ye Comes

Soon, Zi Meng shifted her gaze a little uncomfortably, and the flush on her face made Di Yuanmo laugh.

Just after the end here, luck has already prepared the divine spring water for Di Yuanmo to take a bath in.

"Zimeng, do you have a lot of water from the divine spring?" Di Yuanmo looked at the tub full of divine spring water.

Every time, Zimeng used so much spring water for him without hesitation, is it really okay?
"Well, if I say that I have a spring of divine spring water here, would you believe it?" Zi Meng blinked and looked at Di Yuanmo, who stared blankly at Zi Meng.

Is there a spring of divine spring water?
Isn't she lucky?
"Well, are you okay?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo's blank expression, blinking innocently, not feeling at all how shocking what she just said was.

"It's okay, don't tell anyone about this in the future, you know?" Di Yuanmo shook his head, and reminded Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng nodded.

Of course she knew that she must not tell other people about this casually, but to her, Di Yuanmo was not other people, but her own.

"You take a bath first, I'm going out." Zi Meng stretched her waist and walked out, Di Yuanmo looked at the back of Zi Meng leaving, and looked at the divine spring water in the tub beside her.

He has already received Zimeng's wishes, and now, all he can do is to do his best to protect Zimeng.

Sitting in the divine spring water, Di Yuanmo closed his eyes and concentrated on absorbing the divine spring water.

Zimeng was sitting outside, dazed with a smile on her lips, Lucky sat on her shoulder, shaking her head helplessly.

Its owner seems to be stupid!
Just when Zimeng was smiling brightly, a figure appeared behind him, and the aura that made Zimeng wary immediately hit Zimeng's heart.

"What?" Zi Meng stood up abruptly and looked behind her.

"Long time no see, I'm here to pick you up." Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng with a smile, and the moment he appeared, luckily slipped into Zi Meng's sleeve.

"You actually came here." Zi Meng frowned, and he looked around disdainfully.

"These people still can't stop me, I'll give you two choices, one, follow me obediently, or two, I'll kill everyone here, and then take you away by force.

Don't think about running, don't forget, there is my breath in your body, no matter where you go, I can find you. "

Zi Yaoye said it lightly, but Zi Meng could feel the murderous intent in those words.

If she dares to escape, the people here, I am afraid, will not be able to escape. She has been here for so long, and everyone has taken good care of her. She cannot be selfish enough to kill them for her own sake.

However, if she leaves, what will Di Yuanmo do?Di Yuanmo will definitely look for her, what if he is in danger?
"Hey, where do you want to take this girl?" Jun Mojiu hurried over from outside, and the moment he felt this strange breath, he came over.

However, it seems that it is still too late.

"Oh, it seems that someone seeking death has already appeared and killed one more, I don't care, what about your decision?" Zi Yaoye had a wicked smile on his lips, as if he would strike at any time.

"Jun Mojiu, don't come here." Zi Meng didn't look at Jun Mojiu, but just spoke lightly, Jun Mojiu's footsteps stopped abruptly, and she looked at Zimeng puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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