Chapter 347 Taken Away
At this time, isn't one more person more hope?Why not let him come near?

Moreover, looking at Zimeng's appearance, she seems to be very afraid of this man, right?

"Zimeng..." Jun Mojiu was a little worried and couldn't help but speak.

"Don't come here, I'm fine." Zi Meng didn't look at Jun Mojiu, but just stared at Zi Yaoye, not letting him act rashly.

Jun Mojiu suddenly had a bad premonition, not only Jun Mojiu, but Di Yuanmo in the room also felt it, and a killing intent suddenly flashed across his gentle face.

"I'll go with you, but you must not hurt anyone here, otherwise, even if you die, I will take you with you."

A dark light flashed in Zi Meng's eyes, and Zi Yaoye frowned at her, but soon, he raised his hand, and several men in black appeared beside Zi Yaoye.

Jun Mojiu couldn't help being stunned. He didn't realize just now that if he really did something, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I didn't expect you to notice their existence so easily. I really underestimated you." Zi Yaoye smiled faintly, looked at Jun Mojiu, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Zimeng hand, and a group of men in black disappeared.

Jun Mojiu was a little shocked to see Zimeng looking at her when she left.

She was actually laughing, was she comforting him?

Can she guarantee that she will be fine after she leaves?
By the time Di Yuanmo rushed out of the room, there was no sign of Zi Meng, only Jun Mojiu was standing there.

"Where's Zimeng?" Di Yuanmo sat in a wheelchair and looked at Jun Mojiu. Just now, he felt that breath, and he came out, but he didn't see anyone, not even Zimeng.

"Being taken away by someone, who is that person? So strong!" Jun Mojiu turned his head in a daze, looked at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo's hand immediately clenched into a fist.

Sure enough, is it too late?

It was these legs that delayed the time. If his legs were in good shape, there would definitely be time to stop him!
"Zi Yao Ye..." Di Yuanmo clenched his fists tightly, his face darkened scary.

Jun Mojiu couldn't help but backed away. It had been a long, long time, and he hadn't seen Di Yuanmo show such an expression.

Remember, the last time Di Yuanmo showed such an expression, but he calmed down after killing many people.

This time, it won't be the same, will it?
"I'm sorry, master, we can't help at all, and, even relying on Miss Zimeng, I saved my life."

Yu Zhu came over from the dark and knelt down in front of Di Yuanmo, with annoyance flashing in her eyes.

As the guards of the National Teacher's Mansion, they relied on Zi Meng to save their lives. This kind of thing may be nothing to others, but to Yu Zhu, it is a different concept.

It was a testament to her incompetence, incapability to save the people they were supposed to protect.

"Get up, is Leng Nan back?" Di Yuanmo gave her a cold look, which made her shiver uncontrollably.

"Yes, Leng Nan hasn't come back yet." Yu Zhu replied softly, Di Yuan Mo didn't continue talking, but just raised his head and looked at the horizon.

Di Yuanmo showed his current appearance, Yu Zhu and the others didn't dare to disturb them, they could only quietly wait for Di Yuanmo to give an order.

The order to rescue Zimeng!
However, after waiting for a long time, Di Yuanmo didn't even speak, which made Yu Zhu and Jun Mojiu very anxious.

They could feel that if Zimeng was taken away, there would be danger, but Di Yuanmo...

(End of this chapter)

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