Chapter 359 Emperor Yuanmo (4)

"Are you really not drinking?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo aggrievedly, Di Yuanmo lowered his head and treated Zi Meng's wound.

However, before he could pour the hemostatic medicine on Zi Meng's wound, Zi Meng raised her hand and covered the wound with her mouth.

Di Yuanmo stared blankly at Zimeng, completely unaware of what Zimeng was going to do, and he didn't understand what was going on until Zimeng lowered his head.

Zi Meng lowered her head and kissed his lips, the smell of blood filled Di Yuanmo's entire mouth, he wanted to spit it out, but Zi Meng didn't leave.

Now he wants to vomit and can't vomit.

It wasn't until he swallowed the blood in his mouth that Zi Meng left his lips. Looking at the blood stains at the corner of Zi Meng's mouth, Di Yuanmo blamed himself, and blamed himself.

Originally, she wanted to save Zimeng, but in the end...

He stretched out his hand, gently wiped away the blood stains at the corner of Zi Meng's mouth, and then carefully stopped the bleeding for Zi Meng.

Watching Di Yuanmo's face gradually recover, Zi Meng looked at her wrist. Di Yuanmo had already stopped the bleeding, and wiped the blood away thoughtfully.

"I said, what are you playing? I just left for a while, and I was covered in blood."

When Qinglong came back, he raised his eyebrows when he saw the blood on Zimeng's body. Di Yuanmo is here, can Zimeng be hurt?

Zimeng just smiled silly at him and didn't explain anything.

Di Yuanmo only felt that the smell of blood in his mouth had permeated his whole body. He was afraid that he would never be able to forget it in his whole life.

Qinglong looked at Di Yuanmo, and then at Zimeng. Although they didn't know what happened, they didn't seem to be going to explain to him.

Then he didn't bother to ask any more questions, and now, with Di Yuanmo around, he didn't have to worry, he went back to the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars and continued to practice.

"From now on, don't do this anymore." Di Yuanmo touched Zi Meng's wound that had already been treated with medicine and started to heal.

"Understood, by the way, you didn't really come here by yourself, did you?" Zi Meng blinked and looked at Di Yuanmo, who smiled.

"There is also Jun Mojiu, but I don't know which direction he is now." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng with a smile, and Zimeng breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Di Yuanmo didn't come alone, but I don't know where Jun Mojiu is now, as long as he doesn't break into the place where Zi Yaoye is.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Zimeng looked around, she was always here, and someone would always find out, so it's better to leave first?
"Leave here first and see if we can find Jun Mojiu. If we find him, we will leave." Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand tightly, as if if he let go, Zi Meng would disappear.

"I really want to leave, but what should I do at Ziyaoye's place?" Zi Meng lowered her head worriedly, looking at Di Yuanmo.

"With me here, I think, he dare not stop us." Di Yuanmo smiled, reassuring Zimeng, but seeing his smile, Zimeng seemed even more worried.

Although she didn't know Zi Yaoye very well, just looking at the fear of his subordinates, she knew that he was definitely not a simple guy.

Besides, he always wanted to kill her, didn't he?

"If Zi Yaoye doesn't let me go, you two will go first, and I can escape by myself." Zi Meng stopped and looked at Di Yuanmo seriously.

Di Yuanmo held Zimeng's hand tightly, finally seeing Zimeng, how could he leave Zimeng here alone?No matter what, he must take Zimeng back.

(End of this chapter)

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