Chapter 360 Emperor Yuanmo (5)

"Did you hear me?" Zi Meng bent down and looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously. Di Yuanmo turned his head slightly, not looking at Zi Meng.

Zimeng was a little depressed, how could this guy look like a child?Is this a quarrel?

As a result, before the two of them had walked far, Zi Yaoye came, and he looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile on his lips, and Di Yuanmo looked at him expressionlessly.

Zimeng looked at them back and forth, and always felt that they seemed to know each other.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you could come back again? Can you take it physically?" Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, Di Yuanmo frowned, and tightened Zi Meng's hand again.

Zi Meng looked down at Di Yuanmo, it seemed that the two of them really knew each other!

"I want to take her away." Di Yuanmo was quiet for a while before opening his mouth lightly.

"What if I say no? If the prediction is correct, she is the only person who can kill me. I can't let such a dangerous person leave here."

Zi Yaoye leisurely came to Di Yuanmo again, looking at Di Yuanmo's legs, there was some nostalgia in his eyes, but also a trace of disdain.

"I said, I have no grievances with you, why should I kill you? Are you delusional about being killed?" Zi Meng looked at Zi Yao Ye helplessly.

She has never seen Zi Yaoye before, why did she kill him?Moreover, Zi Yaoye's martial arts is much higher than hers, okay?
If she really wants to kill Zi Yaoye, then she must have a chance, right?I'm afraid, before she makes a move, it's like being killed by Zi Yaoye!
"I know that it's impossible for you to kill me, but he doesn't have to. It seems that you have a good relationship. Did he never tell you his real identity?"

Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng with a smile, Zi Meng was a little puzzled, what is Di Yuanmo's real identity?

Isn't he the national teacher of Xue Xiangguo?
What identity do you have?

"He is not just as simple as the national teacher of Xuexiang Kingdom, his identity..." When Zi Yaoye said this, his gaze was fixed on Di Yuanmo.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Di Yuanmo's voice was a little low and murderous, and Zi Meng was slightly taken aback.

Could it be that Di Yuanmo's identity is really hidden from her?

"Are you afraid that I will reveal your identity in front of her? Or do you not tell her at all? Naturally, I don't have any enmity with her, but I have a deep enmity with you, don't I?
I think, you probably want to kill me even in your dreams, right?But, if you don't tell her the truth, how can she kill me? "

There was still a smile on Zi Yaoye's face, Zi Meng was confused by what he said, and didn't understand what was going on at all!

She opened her mouth to say something, but found that Di Yuanmo's expression was not very good, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

As if he had achieved his goal, a smug smile appeared on Zi Yaoye's face.

"Although I really want to kill you, I will never bring Zimeng into it. If you dare to bring her into it, I will never let you go lightly."

The murderous aura on Di Yuanmo's body radiated in an instant, and Zi Meng couldn't help being frightened. He had never been like this after knowing Di Yuanmo for so long.

"Are you angry now? Didn't you see that the person next to you was scared by you?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng who was really scared, and Di Yuanmo hurriedly put away his murderous aura and turned his head Look at Zimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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