Chapter 397 Scary Breath

If anyone of them is dissatisfied and says a few more words, she will reply you unceremoniously and breathe fire. That temper is really too hot!
Moreover, when Suzaku was fine, she was asleep all the time, so they couldn't make a contract!
"Would you like to take a look?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, and the Patriarch of Xicheng swallowed his saliva. Is their Master Guoshi asking for a woman's opinion?
"Go and have a look, otherwise, we don't know what the result will be. Now I hope that Suzaku can lay there and sleep obediently!"

Zimeng sighed helplessly, now, even if she doesn't want to go, there's nothing she can do, right?

If Suzaku was really taken away by Zi Yaoye, she would find a way to get Suzaku back.

After confirming that Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng were going to see Suzaku, the Patriarch of Xicheng hurriedly made preparations. Sitting in the carriage bumped all the way, Zi Meng felt a little drowsy.

"How long will it take?" Di Yuanmo looked at Patriarch Xicheng who was sitting in the corner.

"According to our current speed, there are still two days to go."

"Do you want to sleep for a while? I'll call you when I get there." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng who was sitting at his feet.

"Do you think I can sleep for two days? Really, hey~ But now, even if I want to sleep, I can't sleep." Zi Meng leaned back, leaning directly on Di Yuanmo's lap.

Then, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Di Yuanmo, who smiled.

"Don't worry, if you're really not there, I'll look for it with you." Di Yuanmo reached out and rubbed Zi Meng's head, Zi Meng looked at him and said nothing.

She doesn't want Di Yuanmo to go on an adventure with her at this time.

Di Yuanmo's leg will recover soon, and Zi Meng can't let him have any accidents at this time.

"Sleep for a while, don't think about anything." Di Yuanmo took the blanket that Yu Zhu handed over, covered Zi Meng's body, and let Zi Meng sleep for a while.

Zi Meng nodded and closed her eyes. Although she still can't sleep now, it's good to rest for a while.

However, after Zimeng closed her eyes, she automatically entered the state of cultivation, and the aura from her body came out, and the horses pulling the cart outside were so frightened that they trembled and stopped in place.

No matter how the groom beats them, they don't move.

"Master..." Yu Zhu felt the carriage stop and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"En." Di Yuanmo responded, and set up an enchantment around Zi Meng. Outside, the horses could not feel Zi Meng's aura, and gradually slowed down.

The Patriarch of Xicheng looked at Zimeng in shock. He had never been very optimistic about Zimeng. Although he knew that Zimeng was from Beili's family, in his opinion, even if she was from Beili's family, she was just Just an outsider.

However, just now, he felt the aura on Zimeng's body, it was really scary!
"This girl doesn't seem to be able to control her own power!" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng with a faint smile on his lips.

"Miss Zi Meng's aura seems to be much stronger than before." Yu Zhu also looked at Zi Meng, and Di Yuanmo nodded slightly.

This breath should be related to the spiritual power that was sucked away by her before, right?That was nearly half of the spiritual power of him, Qinglong, and Xuanwu.

When she completely transforms those spiritual powers into her own spiritual power, she will be able to control them well.

Qinglong, who had been cultivating in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars to recover the spiritual power absorbed by Zi Meng, felt something abnormal in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, and opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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