Chapter 398 The Disgusting Dark Element

"Master Qinglong, woohoo, that thing is so scary!" As soon as Qinglong opened his eyes, Mu Xi threw himself into his arms, trembling all over.

"What is that?" Qinglong frowned, looking at the black aura wandering in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars,
That smell is really disgusting!
"Mu Xi doesn't know, it just appeared suddenly, it's so scary, Lord Qinglong, you have to protect Mu Xi."

Mu Xi looked at Qinglong pitifully, Qinglong ignored him, put him aside, and then looked at the black aura.

If he didn't guess wrong, it was the power that Zi Yaoye had left in Zi Meng's body, but he didn't understand why that power appeared here.

Moreover, the black spiritual power seems to have its own spiritual consciousness, and it can run around in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars.

Just when Qinglong was puzzled, the spiritual power around him suddenly moved, and the black spiritual power also began to struggle.

"This is..." Qinglong watched in shock as the aura in the sun, moon and star sea surged like black spiritual power.

Those spiritual powers are like a strong cage, trapping the struggling black spiritual power in it.

The black spiritual power disappeared little by little, and the feeling of disgust to Qinglong was also weakened little by little.

He doesn't know what's going on, but he can be sure that this matter is definitely not a bad thing for Zimeng.

"Master Qinglong, is this okay?" Mu Xi hid behind Qinglong, looking at the black spiritual power cautiously.

The little flower on his head kept swaying left and right, Qinglong looked down at him, although he didn't say anything, he still reached out and rubbed his head to reassure him.

Qinglong continued to stare at the black spiritual power that had been disintegrated little by little. Just as the spiritual power was about to disappear, a shock came from the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars.

Qinglong hurriedly stabilized his body, and Mu Xi also hugged Qinglong's leg tightly, and the breath in the sun, moon and star sea suddenly became chaotic.

Not only the breath, but even the location where Qinglong and the others are located, is changing a little bit.

Qinglong led Mu Xi to carefully avoid those changes, so as not to be harmed, and Mu Xi watched pitifully as the herbs he had worked so hard to cultivate were destroyed.

When the turmoil disappeared, Qinglong and Mu Xi were really shocked. The scene in front of them should not be shocked at all, right?

The scene in front of Qinglong and Muxi was like a starry sky, the sun, moon, and stars appeared at the same time, but no one could block the light of the other.

And the place where the two of them are now seems to be in mid-air, and the herbs that were destroyed due to the sudden change before are also neatly behind Mu Xi.

Seeing those herbs, Mu Xi rushed over excitedly, completely forgetting about the changes here.

"The spiritual energy of the dark system, could it be that she has absorbed this energy so quickly?" Qinglong was even more shocked when he felt the breath coming from all around from time to time.

He knew that Zimeng was a genius, but he didn't expect that the genius had reached this level.

If she doesn't want to play tricks when she has nothing to do, she is a rare and talented master!

The breath in the sun, moon and star sea has stabilized, but the changes in Zimeng's body have just begun.

The black with a trace of disgusting aura burst out from Zimeng's body, and the horses pulling the cart fell to the ground with a 'plop'.

This time, he didn't even twitch, and he died directly.

(End of this chapter)

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