Chapter 412 Can you stop making trouble?

"Don't laugh if you can't laugh, Yuzhu, take them to the front and wait for us." Di Yuanmo stopped, turned to look at Yuzhu, Yuzhu understood, and took the Patriarch of Xicheng and the others a little further away.

However, because they were worried about Zimeng, they stopped before going far.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, Zimeng looked at Diyuanmo puzzled, what was this guy trying to do to make other people go away?
"They've gone far away, you should fight me." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng seriously, Zi Meng staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Fight him?
are you crazy?
Still have nothing to do?

Zi Meng doesn't even know what state she is in now, so how could she beat Di Yuanmo?What if something goes wrong?
"Aren't you kidding?" Zi Meng sighed, Di Yuanmo nodded seriously, looking at Zi Meng, he was ready to fight Zi Meng.

"I said, brother, can you stop making trouble? I'm not in the mood to fight with you right now, so hurry over and I'll solve it myself."

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth twitched slightly, why was he so upset when Zi Meng called brother?
However, now, it seems, is not the time to worry about this.

"How do you solve it alone? I'll fight with you, maybe you can release the excess power in your body."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng with a frown, and Zimeng smiled at him, reassuring him.

Zi Meng didn't fight him, and Di Yuanmo didn't dare to fight Zi Meng directly, he was afraid that he would hurt Zi Meng.

Moreover, looking at Zi Meng's firm gaze, Di Yuanmo knew that if Zi Meng said no to him, he would never fight him. Seeing Zi Meng's uncomfortable look, Di Yuanmo chose to leave.

He walked a little further and looked at Zimeng.

Zimeng stood there motionless with her eyes closed, a layer of heat gradually emerged from her body, just when Di Yuanmo and the others were worried, Zimeng punched the ground.

There was a tremor on the ground, what Di Yuanmo and the others saw was where Zi Meng was, and it turned into a huge pothole, and Zi Meng was standing in the middle of the pothole.

Di Yuanmo also seemed to know why Zi Meng didn't fight him, Zi Meng couldn't control this power at all!

"Zimeng?" Di Yuanmo rushed over, looked down at Zimeng, Zimeng raised her head and smiled at him, looked around, and then looked down at her hands.

After venting for a while, it seemed that it was really better, but Zimeng was wondering, what was going on with this power?

When Zimeng jumped up, came out of the pit, and stood beside Di Yuanmo, her complexion seemed to improve a lot.

"How is it? Are you better?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, who nodded.

Fortunately, it's better, but it's still a little uncomfortable, but Zimeng can still bear this kind of discomfort, and she doesn't want Di Yuanmo to worry.

Seeing that Zimeng's complexion improved a lot, they continued to set off. For some reason, Zimeng's complexion seemed to be the same as before, and they started to turn red again.

Moreover, Di Yuanmo and the others could even feel the heat emanating from Zi Meng's body.

When they got close to her, they could feel the heat wave coming towards them, which made them stay away from Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo was probably the only one who was willing to get close to Zimeng, and even Yu Zhu couldn't help but stay away.

"Do you want to climb the mountain?" Zimeng looked up at the mountain with no top in front of her, and asked weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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