Chapter 413 A Big Bird's Nest

"Lord Suzaku's lair is at the top." Patriarch Xicheng said lightly, and Zi Meng raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Although, now, she is very tired, but it seems that she can only climb up, right?

Zimeng took a deep breath, raised her feet and continued to walk forward. Unlike before, this time Zimeng didn't seem to say that she was tired and needed to rest or give up.

Although, she looked wrong all over, but she was walking forward step by step, with no intention of stopping at all.

The Patriarch of Xicheng and the others felt tired, but Zimeng, a girl, didn't stop, and they were too embarrassed to stop to rest, so they could only bite the bullet and climb up the mountain!
"Is this the crater? It's really spectacular!" Zi Meng looked down at the tumbling magma below, feeling the heat blowing towards her face, and something seemed to be churning in her body.

It's like trying to break through Zimeng's body, making Zimeng even more irritable!
"That's right, Suzaku has always lived in the cave below, are you ready to go down?" Di Yuanmo turned to look at Zimeng, Zimeng nodded. Isn't the purpose of coming here to see Suzaku?
You've already come here, so naturally there's no reason to go back.

However, Zimeng looked down at the crater, there was no road at all, how did Suzaku get down?

Think about it, Suzaku has wings, and it can go up and down, so it’s fine if you have to use it, why do you need a road?But how do they go down?
"Yuzhu, you just wait here, Zimeng and I will go down." Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked at Yuzhu and the others who were sweating profusely because of the temperature here.

Yuzhu has 1 consents, just standing here is already hot enough, if he continues to go down, he might be dried out, right?
"But, how are we going to get down?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo innocently, Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, pulled Zi Meng into his arms, then controlled the wheelchair and flew directly down.

After stopping in the cave that was very close to the magma, Di Yuanmo placed her on the ground, but Zi Meng hadn't reacted yet.

Only when a strange spiritual force rushed towards Zimeng did Zimeng react, looked at Di Yuanmo, and then at the scene in the cave, they had already entered!
Except for the hot rocks, there is almost no grass.

"We just came down like this. After a while, can we still go up?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who smiled. Did Zi Meng not believe in his strength?
Although he has been sitting in a wheelchair, his strength is still very strong, right?Zimeng's appearance made Di Yuanmo feel like a failure!
"Just kidding, I believe you, let's go, go in and see what's inside." Zimeng didn't tell Di Yuanmo that the spiritual power she just felt can be told to her after she is sure.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng helplessly, and then used his power to cast a few layers of barriers around Zimeng. Although he didn't know if it would be useful, it was better than nothing.

The temperature here is much higher than outside.

Zimeng walked beside Di Yuanmo, and walked into the depths of the cave. The cave is not very wide, so it must have been in Suzaku's human form, right?

Zimeng felt hotter as she walked in, and the barrier Di Yuanmo placed around her seemed useless.

Going all the way to the innermost part, Zimeng saw a nest, a very large bird's nest, covered with warm and unusually soft grass, it looked very comfortable.

 Friends, this book will start to charge from next Tuesday, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you! !

(End of this chapter)

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