Chapter 414 Two Suzakus?

Just standing there watching, Zimeng really wanted to go up for a roll or something, it must be very comfortable, right?
However, Di Yuanmo is still here, she must maintain her image!You must not be ashamed in front of Di Yuanmo!

"Suzaku doesn't seem to be here. Could it be that he is really with Ziyao Ye?" Zi Meng asked worriedly, and Di Yuanmo looked at the huge bird's nest.

"You go up and have a look first?" Di Yuanmo looked at the bird's nest, and said to Zi Meng, Zi Meng nodded, then jumped up and stood on the edge of the bird's nest.

Looking at the thick grass in the bird's nest, there is no sign of Suzaku. It seems that Suzaku is really not here?

Among the already red haystacks, Zimeng saw a different color, she walked over carefully, pushed the grass away, and a red egg appeared in front of Zimeng's eyes.

An egg the size of her head!

"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo looked up at Zimeng who was not moving.

"Well, I really want to ask, is this the so-called Suzaku?" Zi Meng raised the egg in her hand to show Di Yuanmo, and the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth twitched slightly.

No matter how you look at it, it's not Suzaku, right?
Moreover, Suzaku's body is very big, even if Suzaku turned into an egg, it would not be so small!
"Really?" Zi Meng took a step forward, looking down at Di Yuanmo.

"It shouldn't be..." Di Yuanmo said helplessly.

"I think so too, but this one is indeed of the fire element, right? Mine can feel the fire energy emanating from the egg."

Zi Meng looked down at the red egg in her arms, and just holding the egg in her arms, she could feel the spiritual power emanating from the egg.

But, since it's not Suzaku, why is it here?This should be Suzaku's lair, right?

"Wow!!" Zi Meng was still thinking about Suzaku and Dan, but she didn't pay attention to her feet and fell down.

Di Yuanmo will stand up and catch Zimeng's falling body in mid-air. Zimeng tightly holds the egg in his arms and closes his eyes.

"With your ability, you shouldn't be afraid of falling, right? Really, you want to scare me to death?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with some dissatisfaction, Zi Meng opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It fell down suddenly, and then I forgot everything." Di Yuanmo gently placed Zimeng on the ground, and then looked at the egg in Zimeng's arms.

The egg is not very big, but the spiritual power of the fire element is indeed very strong, it should also be a monster of the fire element, right?
"This is indeed Suzaku." Qinglong, who hadn't reacted all this time, suddenly appeared, looked at the egg in Zimeng's arms and opened his mouth softly, so scared that Zimeng almost threw the egg out of his arms.

"If you break this, Suzaku will die." Qinglong held Zimeng firmly, and more importantly, he was protecting her egg.

"Didn't you scare me by suddenly standing behind me without saying a word? You just said that this is Suzaku, are you sure?" Zimeng stood up and looked at Qinglong dissatisfied.

"Well, this is Suzaku's aura, but the aura is not obvious, something must have happened, otherwise, she would not return to this state."

Qinglong stretched out his hand and held Suzaku's egg in his arms, lest Zimeng accidentally throw it out.

"But, if this is Suzaku, then who is the one that Leng Nan saw by Zi Yaoye's side? Could it be that there are two Suzakus? It should be impossible, right?"

Zimeng raised her head and looked at Qinglong. Qinglong and Suzaku are the four great beasts, so she must know about Suzaku very well, right?

(End of this chapter)

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