Chapter 428 Strange Clothes
You can come here for her affairs, worry about her affairs, these are her companions.

"Zimeng, are you not injured?" Dugu Mingxue walked in front of Zimeng and looked at Zimeng worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, look, I'm fine." Zi Meng touched Dugu Mingxue's head, and then...

"Although it's fine, Zi Meng, your clothes." Dugu Mingxue blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at Zi Meng, while Gu Qingli and Mo Qiran had already turned their eyes away from her.

Just now, because I was too anxious, I was more worried about Zimeng, so I didn't pay attention for a while, but now, my worry has subsided a little, so I naturally noticed it.

The clothes she was wearing were really weird.

"Oh, the clothes from before are rotten." Zi Meng lowered her head and pulled the clothes on her body naturally, not feeling anything wrong.

"Put on the clothes first." Di Yuanmo, who appeared at an unknown time, threw a piece of clothing on Zi Meng's head.

"Oh." Zimeng responded, obediently put on her clothes, and then smiled at everyone.

"Are you hurt?"

"No, I originally thought that Patriarch Dongyang should be very strong, but now it seems that I thought it was too simple."

Zi Meng lowered her head and looked at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo could see unwillingness from her expression.

But soon, Zimeng's gaze became firmer, and Di Yuanmo had roughly thought of something.

"Next, I'm going to Shuramen, you all stay here." Zimeng's eyes swept over everyone's faces, and everyone frowned at Zimeng.

"I, want to be with you." Dugu Mingxue reached out and grabbed Zimeng's hand, her eyes were full of determination.

"Zimeng, we..." Gu Qingli looked at Zimeng anxiously, hoping that Zimeng would give up this idea.

Zimeng raised her head and interrupted Gu Qingli's words. They all looked at Zimeng, and Zimeng frowned at them.

"I know that you are all worried, but I caused this incident alone. I can't let you go on adventures with me. You agree, right?"

Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo seriously. Di Yuanmo frowned, but just looked at Zi Meng quietly. He really wanted to stop Zi Meng.

However, Zimeng's eager gaze made it impossible for Di Yuanmo to stop him, and even if he said he wanted to go with him, it would be impossible, right?

"I agree with you to go, but you can't be alone, otherwise, you don't want to go there."

Di Yuanmo turned around and didn't look at Zimeng. His words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, only Zimeng frowned.

The reason why she didn't let people follow her was because she was afraid that they would die with her, but what Di Yuanmo said would never go back on his word.

If she disagrees, I'm afraid she will be locked up by Di Yuanmo, and she won't go there!
"Zimeng, let us go with you?" Gu Qingli looked at Zimeng.

"Let me go, I still have acquaintances in Asura Sect." Mo Qiran patted Gu Qingli's shoulder, Gu Qingli looked at him, and nodded slightly.

If there are acquaintances, it can be regarded as less risk.

"..." Dugu Mingxue didn't speak, but just took La Zimeng's hand, Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, and she sighed.

"Okay, then Mingxue and Mr. Xihua will go with me?" Zimeng looked at them. Although they had no objection, they all stared at her resentfully.

(End of this chapter)

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