Chapter 429 State the Facts
Seeing Zimeng couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, what's the matter?Zimeng's whole body shivered at the sight of those fiery little resentful eyes!

Are these people all ready to go with her?

"Siyun, you are a pharmacist, and I am also a pharmacist. I can't help you with it, right? Besides, if there is danger, I will take care of you.

Shengge, you are the one who will always only cause damage, so, you obediently go back to the Liuli faction!When your destructive ability is less, I will take you out again. "

Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun and Shengge, and said flatly, but Ling Siyun and the others were instantly stimulated by Zimeng's words, and they were petrified there, but Zimeng looked at them innocently.

They were powerless to refute the facts that Zimeng explained, they could only nod in resignation, and if they didn't follow, they wouldn't follow. Zimeng disagreed, and it was impossible for them to go along secretly.

Moreover, according to Zi Meng's character, if they dare to follow, they will be beaten back by Zi Meng!
"Senior Sister Ling, in the future, if you want to help me practice together, I definitely don't want to just cause damage every time, woo, now you go out and don't take me to play."

Shengge looked at Ling Siyun pitifully, and Ling Siyun sighed helplessly.

No matter how his strength improved, Shengge would only do damage, right?This kind of confused personality doesn't seem to have anything to do with strength, does it?
Besides, they didn't seem to come out to play, did they?

However, seeing her in such high spirits, Ling Siyun didn't seem to want to hit her.

"Not only them, but also Yu Zhu and Leng Nan, I will let them follow you to the Asura Gate."

Ling Siyun and the others were talking there, and Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were also talking, but what Di Yuanmo said made Zi Meng pout in dissatisfaction.

She wants revenge, okay?

What are you doing with Yu Zhu and Leng Nan?

They thought they were going out to play?Also bring two guards.

"With them here, I don't worry." Before Zimeng could speak, Di Yuanmo continued.

There is no way, Zimeng's rebuttal is invalid, so she can only nod in agreement, who made this guy so domineering in the first place?
Moreover, Zimeng has never been the one who can't refute him.

Seeing Zimeng compromise, Ling Siyun and the others were very helpless. If they had known, they would have gone to Di Yuanmo in advance and asked Di Yuanmo to tell Zimeng so that they could go with Zimeng.

However, now, no matter how I think about it, it seems too late.

"Are you going to the National Teacher's Mansion together?" Di Yuanmo turned to look at Ling Siyun and the others, and they all nodded involuntarily

It is a great honor to be able to visit the National Teacher's Mansion, so of course I will not refuse!
"Shall the two of us go with Ms. Zi Meng? Wow, that's great!" In the end, after Yu Zhu knew about this, she jumped up excitedly.

Later, Leng Nan, who was still calm, pulled her for a while, otherwise, Di Yuanmo would kick her out out of bounds.

At that time, even if she wanted to go out with Zimeng, it would be impossible.

"The environment here, Mr. Guoshi, is really good?" Gu Qingli and his group looked around the mansion of the Guoshi like curious babies.

However, for Di Yuanmo, this is just a residence, so even if they see it, Di Yuanmo will not stop him.

There's nothing to keep secret here anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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