Chapter 479 is useless to me
It wasn't until Zimeng was out of breath that Di Yuanmo let her go, turned over, and held Zimeng in his arms.

Perhaps it was because of Di Yuanmo's presence that Zi Meng fell asleep in no time.

Di Yuanmo looked up at her, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and closed his eyes.

During this period of time, because he was always worried about Zimeng, he didn't sleep well. Now that Zimeng was lying in his arms, he could sleep peacefully.

"Little aunt, you've gone too far. After you came back, you didn't even want to visit us first." Zi Meng sat in the yard, innocently looking at Bei Liwan who was angry in front of her.

She just fell asleep, and when she woke up, she saw Bei Liwan sitting beside her bed full of resentment, but it made her jump.

When she finished packing, Bei Liwan kept staring at her, looking like she wanted to bite Zimeng to death!
The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, she should have expected this to happen a long time ago!
Why is this girl's character becoming more and more popular?After getting married, who can bear it?Really.

"Little aunt, may I ask, what are you talking about at the corner of your mouth?" Bei Liwan stared at Zi Meng, who hurriedly kept calm and looked at her innocently.

"Wan'er, have the Dongyang family delivered the things?" Zi Meng suddenly looked up at Bei Liwan, who nodded.

"My brother and I met the Patriarch of the Dongyang family when we were going out. He threw us a ring and left without saying a word."

With that said, Bei Liwan took out the ring and handed it to Zi Meng, Zi Meng looked at it with her spiritual sense, and threw it to Bei Liwan.

"This, you directly hand it over to the old man, and let him start preparing for the new Beili house."

Zi Meng looked at Bei Li Wan with a smile, and Bei Li Wan looked at the ring on her hand with some hesitation. Although Zi Meng said so, this ring was given to Zi Meng by Bei Li Xinhong.

"Little aunt, grandpa said that the things in this ring are what you want, so this is yours. The rebuilding of Beili's house doesn't need these things. Our own savings are enough."

Bei Liwan handed the ring to Zimeng again, but Zimeng rolled her eyes and didn't answer.

Isn't this too polite to her?Besides, it's no use for her to use these things, is it?

What's more, she still has the ring of the Great Elder of the Asura Sect here, and there are much more things in it than here!
"Give this to the old man, and say that he can use it if he wants to use it, and throw it away if he doesn't use it. Anyway, I don't need it. Besides, I have something better than this here. To be honest, these things are for me. , it's useless."

As Zimeng said, she took out the ring of the Great Elder of the Asura Gate and lightly tossed it on her hand. She looked at Bei Liwan with a smile, and Bei Liwan blinked. Where did she blackmail her from again?
"Little aunt, where did you rob this?" Bei Liwan looked at the ring anxiously, and asked Zimeng slowly.

"It belongs to the Great Elder of Shuramen, that guy is dead, this thing is mine." Zimeng shrugged, Bei Liwan looked at the name in surprise.

The Great Elder of Shuramen is dead?No way?This is too scary, right?
"Little aunt, did you kill him?" Bei Liwan asked cautiously.

This one?She should have killed him, right?Anyway, that Great Elder was also killed by the power that suddenly appeared in her body.

Although Zimeng didn't know what was going on with that power, it shouldn't be a bad thing, right?

(End of this chapter)

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