Chapter 480
"That's right, but I really don't know what's inside, why don't we take a look?" Zi Meng looked at Bei Li Wan, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Oh, good!" Bei Liwan nodded and looked at Zimeng.

Zimeng was secretly happy, diverting Bei Liwan's attention so easily, this girl is still too innocent!
However, Zimeng really wanted to see what was in the ring.

Just do it, Zimeng poured out the contents of the ring, and then stood there with Bei Liwan in a daze.

There are too many things here, right?

Moreover, I always feel that there seems to be everything in this meal, which is not a good feeling!
"Well, little aunt, shall we continue?" Bei Liwan twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Zimeng. If it continues, it will be a big project?
"Suddenly I don't want these things anymore!" Zi Meng stared at a certain place, muttering to herself, Bei Liwan followed Zi Meng's line of sight to look over, and it turned out to be a sock with a hole in it.

Bei Liwan blinked her eyes and burst out laughing, no wonder Zi Meng didn't want these things anymore.

He is the Great Elder of Asura Sect, and there are socks with holes in his ring. Does this mean that he is frugal?or what?

"You... what are you doing?" Di Yuanmo came in from the outside, saw the mess in the yard, and walked over with Zi Meng and the others who were standing there blankly.

"I've been hurt by a hundred thousand points, please comfort me!" Zi Meng threw herself into Di Yuanmo's arms, feeling extremely wronged.

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng in confusion, and then at Bei Liwan.

Bei Liwan suppressed a smile, and pointed to the socks on the ground, the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth twitched slightly, he understood what happened to Zimeng.

"Okay, don't be wronged, just put these things here, and let Yuzhu and the others clean them up later."

Di Yuanmo gently touched Zimeng's head, and Zimeng nodded aggrievedly, but even if they helped her clean up, Zimeng didn't want these things.

However, it would be a pity if you don't!
"I'll let them clean it up." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's disgusted expression with amused expression, and opened his mouth lightly, Zi Meng smiled with satisfaction.

Bei Liwan watched the interaction between Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, and shook her head speechlessly. She really didn't know why Di Yuanmo, who is a national teacher, fell in love with Zi Meng?
However, in Bei Liwan's mind, it seems that only Di Yuanmo can be worthy of Zimeng.

"My lord, you are too used to her. I think, after my little aunt, I'm afraid she won't even bother to eat by herself." Bei Liwan couldn't help but sighed, looking at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng who were embracing each other. .

Zimeng glared at her, what do you mean by being too used to her?What do you mean you don't even bother to eat?Is she like that?
"It's okay, if you don't want to eat by yourself, I'll feed it." Di Yuanmo lowered his head, looking at Zi Meng dotingly, the corner of Zi Meng's mouth twitched slightly.

"I can do it myself, I don't need to feed it. Really, I won't be that lazy, but I really don't want to touch the things inside!"

Zimeng looked at the pile of things on the ground resentfully. In that pile of things, the great elder stuffed something, Zimeng really didn't want to move.

"Then don't move, do you want to go out?" Di Yuanmo let go of Zimeng, and looked at them with a smile.

"I want to go to the old man, and I need to discuss something with him."

(End of this chapter)

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